Volcano Time

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Really quick, I wanted to say thank you for reading my story! Please feel free to comment, I want to know what parts you like, what you don't like, if anything is confusing, suggestions for improvement, etc. I want to make this story the best I can.

I edited the last two chapters a bit. Nothing too big, just enough for things to make a bit more sense storyline wise and adding a few other details to make it more interesting (Feb. 4th, 2022).

Happy Olympics! Good luck to all of the wonderful athletes!


Alvie sped up as her destination came in sight. She couldn't fly her broom in the strong magic region, so she landed near by. The ground was rocky, and there's ash everywhere. Any plants near by are dead. The sky is slightly dark even though it was the middle of the day because of the smoke in the sky. Alvie hasn't entered the strong magic region yet, but she knows it will be a hellish environment. That only made her more excited to see it.

Alvie travelled the rest of the way on foot. It took her nearly an hour to get to the trail head, but she didn't mind. She could have gotten there sooner if she didn't focus so much on the scenery.

Not knowing how long she would be here for, Alvie chose to spend the rest of the day by the base of the volcano. There are many interesting things to see, like the rivers and lakes of molten rock. And besides, Alvie wanted to save the best part for last: the hot spring at the very top. How can there be a hot spring at the top of the volcano? That's where a lot of the lava is coming from. The answer, of course, is magic. Alvie wants to see that magic with her own eyes.

When it comes to learning about magic, Alvie can be relentless. She wants to learn everything she possibly can. If something catches her interest, she will study it until there is nothing left to learn. That includes improving it and finding new possibilities.

Alvie made sure to stay clear of any magical creatures on the volcano. She knew she couldn't beat them without her magic attribute, and that was something she never wanted to use again. So instead she would study the beasts from a safe distance, making sure to hide herself the best she could.

By the end of the day, Alvie had only seen a small part of the volcano. From that, she concluded that she could easily be here for weeks, maybe even months. The only problem was the scary royal lady. Alvie has no idea of when she'll be back. She really didn't want to run into her, or anyone for that matter, but especially not the scary royal lady. Alvie had a feeling she wouldn't be able to escape from her if she got caught, and her instincts have always been spot on.

Do I stay longer and risk being caught? Do I play it safe and rush my learning? Which one is more important? The first option means I get to learn more, but there's also a bigger chance of seeing the scary royal lady. The second option is safer, but then I could miss out on learning something really important.

Weighing the two options, Alvie made the difficult choice of taking the risk. Learning is more important than than her physical and mental health. At least it's more important to HER. She just hoped and prayed that by some chance the scary royal lady would not come back until after she left.


It took Alvie eight more days to poke around the rest of the volcano's base. It took another six days to explore the middle section. Part of that was because she had to keep leaving the strong magic zone when she wanted to sleep or needed a break. Alvie knows her limits; she knows she can't keep up her mana skin 24/7 for who-knows-how-many days. She's still a kid after all.

In those two weeks, Alvie noticed that the lava itself has a lot of mana mixed in. She wondered if the magma that has yet to surface was the source of mana for this region. The only way to really check would be to go swimming in the magma though, something Alvie knows she can't do. Maybe someone else with the right power could, but for her it's pretty much impossible. Especially since she won't use her magic attribute, and extra especially because she doesn't have a grimoire. 

Today Alvie is on edge. She feels like something terrifying will happen at any second. It made it hard to focus on her surroundings. She nearly ran into a magical beast three times already, a new record for her. Normally that only happens twice a week at most.

Alvie was examining a strange rock formation. It looked like a normal wall of rock, but she could feel a large amount of mana coming from it; there's more mana in this particular formation than any of the others. It reminded Alvie of some of the dungeons she's visited before.

Before she could explore those thoughts more, Alvie felt a new magic presence. And then a second. The magic presence of people. Very strong people. They were heading to the top of the volcano, and their path just so happened to be the same as Alvie's.

Alvie froze. She was out in the open with nowhere to hide. They would see her. It was too late to escape now. They were moving too fast to NOT see her, even if she started running away. All she could do is make herself as small as possible against the weird rock formation and hope they don't see her.

Please don't see me. Please don't see me. Please don't see me. Please don't see me. Please don't see me. Please don-

Just as Alvie could start to see the two strong people, she felt a third presence. Not as strong as the first two, but still strong.

Alvie is shaking now. They're getting closer and closer.


She could clearly see the first two now. One was a large muscly man with dark hair and a black magic knights robe. The other was a beautiful women in armor with a blue magic knights robe. The third one looked like he had a golden magic knights robe, but he was still too far to know for sure.

For one brief, very small, moment Alvie thought they would actually pass her by. She thought they wouldn't see her. But then the muscle guy stopped right in front of the strange rocks Alvie pressed herself against. The armor women followed him with a confused expression.

Maybe they're interested in the strange rocks too? Alvie hoped, dread filling her whole being. That hope completely shattered when the muscle man made eye contact with her. Alvie could feel the pretty armor women's stare as well. The golden boy just passed them, not caring that the first two stopped.

Alvie held his gaze for several minutes. She's too afraid to blink. There. Are. Two. Complete. Strangers. Staring. Right. At. Me.

Muscle Man grabbed Alvie by the back of her cloak and held her up to his eye level. "What's a little kid doing here?"

"Are you here with anyone?" Pretty Armor Women asked. Alvie slowly shook her head, breaking her staring contest with Muscle Man. She stared at Pretty Armor Women instead.

"You that wandering kid everyone's been talking about?" Muscle Man asked her. Alvie looked at him again, but didn't respond. Maybe? I don't know. Alvie's voice wouldn't work, and small head gestures can't really say that. Muscle Man must have sensed her confusion somehow.

"You don't know?" That one Alvie answered with a slow nod.

"What should we do, Yami?" Pretty Armor Women asked Muscle Man.

"Guess it can't be helped. She's coming with us."

Muscle Man swung Alvie onto his back, still holding on to her cloak. He then continued to the top of the volcano. Pretty Armor Women followed him, glancing at Alvie every once in a while.

Alvie knows there's no chance of escaping, not that she could bring herself to try. Even if an obvious opening appeared, she's too terrified to move on her own. She's stuck with people she's never met. Could it get any worse? Alvie knew it easily could, and probably will.

Magic Explorer (Black Clover)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें