Idiots and Trap Spells

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There's an emotional storm raging inside of Alvie. She felt annoyed, dumbfounded, upset, depressed, and disappointed all at once.

The dungeon had been completely destroyed. There were broken up pieces of walls and flooring all over the area, and not a single trap spell was left in tact.

Alvie crouched down in front of a large section of a broken wall and started poking it. How could someone destroy such an amazing place?!! She fumed inwardly. If anyone were to watch this, they would see a small pouting child.

What's the point of exploring a dungeon if you're just going to destroy it? Idiots. Other people can't learn anything from it if it's gone. Those selfish idiots. It's bad enough that it's illegal to explore them in the first place. Now I don't even get the chance to sneak in! Those stupid idiots.

Alvie is not happy. Because of the magic knights she deemed idiots, she missed her chance to study some new trap spells. Each dungeon is unique, so it only makes sense for there to be some unique trap spells as well.

Alvie took a deep breath and ran her tiny fingers through her long messy hair. Calm down now. Getting worked up about it won't bring it back. I'd need time magic or something similar to do that. If only I did... no, never mind. Time magic could be even more dangerous than my own depending on how it's used.

Still combing through her brown locks, Alvie focused on planning her next move instead. The Star Festival is right around the corner. Most of the magic nights should either be there or out on some mission. It's the perfect chance to explore Yultim Volcano! I've always wanted to go there! I haven't gone yet since I heard that scary royal lady goes there a lot.  But she probably won't be there during the Star Festival!

Nodding her head, Alvie made up her mind. Alright, I'll camp here for tonight and set out for Yultim Volcano in the morning! I can't wait!

With half of the day left, Alvie decided to try using mana letters again. Her father taught her how to, but Alvie has yet to successfully use them. Her magic hasn't developed to that extent yet, and it probably won't for another few years. But as long as she keeps trying, she won't forget.

Sighing, Alvie gave up after 15 minutes; she decided it was time to experiment with trap spells instead. She went over to the brown leather bag her father used to carry and pulled out a piece of chalk. Alvie drew out a small trap spell on the wall she poked at earlier.

About two weeks ago Alvie learned by complete accident that she could make her own trap spells by writing the right formula and adding some of her mana to it. She was just writing one out to try and remember it, when she sensed people near by. Panicking a little, she accidentally put some mana in the spell and it started glowing before it disappeared. Leaving it be, Alvie grabbed her things and hid in the tree tops.

She watched as three magic knights wearing green robes walk by. One of them slightly annoyed Alvie with his weird laugh. The second guy was really short, and the third guy was on the chubbier side.

The one she deemed 'Bah-ha' stepped on the trap spell she just created. The spell activated, creating a small explosion. While the knights were confused, Alvie took the chance to fly away as fast as possible. She REALLY did not want to get caught.

Alvie had drawn almost an exact replica of that trap spell. She tweaked it a little bit though, to see if she could change the magic attribute. Instead of using characters for fire, she used the characters for lightning. Fire and lightning were close enough that it shouldn't make too big of a difference in the required formula. She added in only the tiniest amount of mana, not wanting to cause an accident.

Finding a longish stick, she poked the spell. It went off, but it was really weak. The only damage it did was frizzing Alvie's hair, making her look like a porcupine. Alvie had a wide grin on her face. She made a new discovery! What are the limits? Would I have to change the formula itself for some attributes? Or can I get away with only changing the attribute character? Now there was another path for her to explore. Why wait when I can figure it out now?

Alvie decided to try again, but this time with using the water attribute instead. Since water is the opposite of fire, it would make sense for water to need the most changes to the formula, if any at all.

Adding the mana in, Alvie tested her new idea. To her slight disappointment, the spell didn't work. That means if she wanted to make a water explosion, she would have to add in something else as well. It makes sense though, since water can't really combust on its own. But what exactly would make that possible? Alvie kept testing the trap spell by adding, subtracting from, and rearranging the spell formula. She worked on it for the rest of the day, but nothing worked.

Tired, Alvie knew it was time to sleep. She didn't eat anything for dinner, but she didn't mind. That's actually normal for her. Even if she had access to an endless supply of food, she still probably wouldn't eat very often. On average, she only eats once a day, partially because of food availability, but mostly because she's too distracted by exploring and experimenting with magic. It was enough to keep her going, so she didn't mind.

Making herself a little nest on the ground, Alvie made herself comfortable. She curled up into a little ball, using the bag as a pillow and her cloak at a blanket. The bag and cloak were both really worn down, but she could never bring herself to replace them. Doing that would mean going into a village or town and being surrounded by strangers. The very thought of it terrified her.

Closing her eyes, Alvie drifted off to sleep. She dreamt of visiting the volcano and seeing its hot spring first hand, and of all the different creatures she might meet.

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