Blue Rapunzel

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I don't know if I've explained this or not, but Alvie has a really strong sense for mana. It's stronger than Luck's.

WARNING: This question is EXTREMELY random.

On a scale of one to zebra, what is your favorite color of the alphabet? Any random answer works. Mine is volcano.


Alvie knew something was different before she opened her eyes. She was on something fluffy, with a smaller fluffy thing under her head. There was a large weight holding her down, strangely keeping her warm. She also noticed her mana being slightly drained, but she ignored it.

She didn't want to get up. Instead she curled up into a little ball on her side, soaking up as much comfortable warmth as possible. It only lasted a few minutes before she heard a door open, a sound only found around other people.

Trying to hide, Alvie pulled the heavy blanket over her head. Deep down she knew it wouldn't work, but it was still better than doing nothing.

Yami wasn't surprised. It was late morning, so of course the midget would be awake. She's afraid of other people, so of course she tried to hide.

He walked over to the old desk in the small room, and put down the small plate of food Charmy made before walking back out. 

Once she heard the door close again, Alvie slowly peaked out from her cover. Seeing no one in the room with her, she slid down from the soft haven and walked over to the desk. The small plate protected a blueberry muffin and two freshly cooked slices of ham from the splintering wood.

Ignoring the knife and fork that came with her meal, Alvie picked up one of the ham slices. It was warm, but not too scorchingly so. Nibbling the edge of it, she found it tasted better than anything else she could remember eating.

She had really hoped yesterday was all a nightmare, but everything proved it wasn't. The magic knights had found her. They forced her to stay with them. She could probably run away now, but they most likely have someone who could track her down again. If she gets caught again, they might not be as nice to her. She might not get to eat more of the tasty food, or sleep in the really soft bed with a warm blanket.

If she doesn't run, she might not get to explore again. If she can't explore, then she won't be able to learn as much about magic. Of course, she could always study the people she will inevitably have to meet, but Alvie didn't want to think about that. She's had enough of meeting people to last the rest of her life.

Alvie didn't touch the muffin or other slice of ham. The first slice was more than enough for her. She decided to save them for later, not knowing if or when she would get more.

Not wanting to stay in the boring room any longer, Alvie decided to explore the strange place she had been brought to. She couldn't ignore her mana being taken away ever-so-slowly any more. Slow enough that most people would never notice it. It's never happened before. Something new and foreign meant something to learn.

I will get to the bottom of this! 


Quietly walking through the stony hallways, Alvie made her way to the source of whatever was taking away her mana. Twice she had to change directions because she sensed someone getting closer.

The first time was someone with poison magic. Alvie made sure to stay far away from it. As smart as she may be, she doesn't know how to cure poison. She only knows how to avoid it in the first place. If they suddenly attacked her, then she would be doomed.

The second time was with two people fighting. One had lightning magic, and the other had fire magic. The lightning user seemed to just be dodging while the fire user attacked. Instead of walking past the big room they were in, Alvie just backtracked and went down a different hall.

Because of the two detours, and a bit of trial and error, it took Alvie a little more than half an hour to find the door that might satisfy her curiosity.

Grasping the handle, she hesitated. What if all my mana gets drained at once? What if it's a person responsible for this? Would that even be possible? If it is, then would I even be able to sense them? I don't sense anyone behind the door, but what if that's because they're taking mana from everyone else? Would they even have their own mana then? Noisy Boy doesn't have any mana at all, so it's definitely possible.

Curiosity overpowering anxiety, Alvie slowly cracked the door open. Wanting to be cautious still, she only opened it wide enough for her head to fit through, letting her see everything inside. That's when she saw the bed. The bed had a blanket on it. Sandwiched in between  the two was a person. A man with long messy hair the same color as the clear sky.

"Hello..... there....." he said.

Wide-eyed, Alvie slowly nodded in greeting before closing the door. Keeping her hand on the doorknob, she stared at the thick wood separating her from the new person. She stayed there for several minutes, mind completely blank. She didn't even register the sound of footsteps coming closer.

"Hi there!" Noisy Boy said, causing the girl to jolt back to reality. She looked at him like a deer caught in headlights before opening the door again, running inside, and hiding behind the biggest thing she could. That thing just so happened to be the bed the other man laid on.

"Asta.....!" the blue rapunzel exclaimed, evidently happy to see the boy.

"Hi Henry Senpai!" Noisy Boy said with the same enthusiasm. "I'm here to clean your room!" He was wearing his white cleaning apron, and was holding a broom in one hand.

"Thank..... you....."

Noisy Boy then turned to the poorly hidden Alvie. "You're Alvie, right? You shouldn't stay in here too long. Henry Senpai was born with a weird disease that sucks everyone's mana away. It's ok for me though since I don't have any." he said that last sentence like it was something to be proud of.

Alvie nodded her head in understanding before standing from her crouched position. Giving Blue Rapunzel a small bow, she stiffly walked out the room.

She got the answer she had been looking for. Now she just wants to hide away in her room. Unfortunately, she has no idea where her room is. Picking a random direction, she continued to walk. Maybe she'll get lucky and find it on accident.

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