The Black Bulls

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I am so sorry for the delay! I've been very lazy lately, and had a severe lack of motivation. Hopefully with the start of school and my new job I'll be more likely to update since I have to be on my computer anyways.

A little bit of a warning, there is mention of a panic attack in this chapter. If it triggers you at all please stop reading. Your mental health is more important.

If you had to live alone in the desert and could only take one thing with you, what would it be? I would bring a tarp so I would always have some form of shelter/cover. I could also use it to help collect water.


In the royal capital, Yami was informing the wizard king about what happened the day before.

"You really found her?" Julius, the current wizard king, asked, sounding both surprised and relieved.

"Yeah. She was wandering around the strong magic region we went to yesterday." said Yami.

"Thank you for telling me. Until we find a better place for her, would it be alright for her to stay with your squad?"

"I don't have a problem with it, but is that really a good idea? My squad's a rowdy bunch." Knowing how shy the girl is, Yami was slightly concerned. Not that he'd tell anyone.

"I'm sure it'll be fine" Julius said. "It's only temporary for now. We'll discuss a more permanent option at the next captains meeting."

"Okay. Don't blame me if she gets scared and runs off again."

"If she runs off again, I'm sure one of your members can track her down and bring her back."

"That's true." With that, Yami turned to leave. Before he reached the door however, Julius asked him one more question.

"By the way, what kind of magic does she have?"

Yami didn't need to turn around to know those weird sparkles were in his eyes, and he could feel the Wizard King's imagination running wild.

"No idea." He said, and then exited the room without looking back.

Yami's answer didn't hurt Julius. In fact, it made him even more curious about the young girl. He wanted to meet her in person, but knew he couldn't quite yet. He needs to be patient.


Alvie wandered the strange building for over an hour, never finding her room. She did find the bath, a library (she may have stayed a little longer to browse the books there), a hallway with traps in it, a torture room (she left as soon as she saw what was inside), and the dinning area.

She did everything she could to stay hidden from the magic knights, but she did have some close calls. Alvie would have run into Noisy Boy several times if he hadn't been shouting.

In the dinning room there was a small girl eating a ton of food while some magic sheep were making more; she may have lingered a bit because it was fascinating to watch.

The only reason Alvie left the library as soon as she did was because a ghostly white man was there too; he seemed too preoccupied with a collection of books he had to notice her thankfully. She made a mental note to go back at some point, if she could find it again.

The worst one was the lightning boy Alvie felt fighting earlier. She could feel his eyes looking in her direction, even with a wall between them. He could easily sense her mana, just like she could sense his. It gave her the shivers just thinking about it.

Currently Alvie was peaking her head through the entryway of the room the two magic knights were fighting in earlier. It was some sort of lounge area. So far it looked like no one was there, and she couldn't feel any magic signatures inside either. She was checking to be safe though. Who knows if there are any other people like Noisy Boy around.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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