About Alvie

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Name: Alvie Arvad

Age: 11

Birthday: December 28th (Capricorn)

Height: 4'5" (about 137cm) Will grow throughout story

Weight: 76 lbs (about 34.5 kg) Will change throughout story

Hair: Long, Chocolate Brown

Eyes: Forest Green

Grimoire: N/A (too young to have one)

Magic: Disaster Magic- She can create and use all aspects of any kind of natural disaster including earthquakes, fires, storms, and the rapid growth of nature.

Likes: Magic, exploring, everything to do with nature, sweets, her father

Dislikes: Bullies, hurting other people, spicy food

Fears: Losing control of her magic, new/unfamiliar people

Personality: Alvie is really quiet and shy around new people; the more she gets comfortable with someone, the more she will open up. If she's really comfortable with someone, she won't hesitate to share her opinion on something. She's really kind and wants to help everyone, even if she's afraid of them. She comes up with a nickname for just about everyone, but rarely say them out loud.


Father: Xeno (deceased)

          Earth Magic

Mother: Alvera (deceased)

          Plant Magic

Siblings: none

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