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Still kinda doing some season 14 stuff going to add PSAs that stuff but I wanted to start this season enjoy 

We open up on a shot of a frog egg timer. A blue hand reaches out and sets it as it begins to tick. We cut to a wider shot of the soldier, who is revealed to be Caboose? as he makes a run for it. The camera pans to the right, revealing Tucker? Alex? Will? and Sarge? hiding behind a wall.

The camera continues to pan, revealing CO MCCREADY and another soldier, the unnamed BOTANIST are walking by, the CO giving a lecture as they walk up some stairs.

CO McCready: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction! That's Fig Newton bunny!

Casio 06: Uh-huh...

They continue walking through the complex.

McCready: You touch my baked beans, I put dog shit in your pillow case. Action. Reaction. That's rule number 1.

Casio 06: Got it. Don't touch your beans.

McCready: Rule Number 2: Every other person in this miserable place is literal garbage. Don't talk to them, don't listen to them, don't become cute friends with them!

Casio 06: Got it, no friends.

McCready: Rule Number 3: Keep your radio on at all times!

VARGAS comes running up some stairs to meet them.

Vargas: Hey, McCready!'s off.

McCready: I'm busy!

Vargas: Something tripped the motion sensor, one floor down. Command wants you to take a look.

McCready: Fucking I look like a goddamn exterminator? Vargas, show this bunny around.

MCCREADY runs off. VARGAS turns to the BOTANIST.

Vargas: He's, uh, always like that.

McCready: (offscreen) Goddamn dipshits!

Vargas: All bite, no bark. So, first deployment?

Casio 06: Mmhmm.

VARGAS and CASIO 06 walk down some stairs. Caboose?, who is waiting behind a wall at the bottom, walks backwards around a corner to hide.

Vargas: Well, if you signed up looking for action, you won't be finding it here. We're a long way from Chorus.

Casio 06: (amused) No, I don't want to fight anyone.

Vargas: Ain't that the whole deal?

Sarge? Alex? Will? And Tucker? go running behind the four, unseen.

Casio 06: Tuition! When I get out I'll have a full ride to the college of my choice. I'm going to be a botanist.

Vargas: Botanist, huh? Well, I've never much trusted robots myself, but that's just because I grew up in the South. Out here, your main enemy is boredom...boredom and a CO who really loves putting dogshit in pillow cases.

Botanist: Oh, I anticipated the boredom. That's why I brought along some books on tape.

Vargas: Books on tape? What's the appeal of that? Don't the pages get stuck together?

Cut to a shot of the egg timer, which goes off. We do not hear it, but an explosion engulfs the screen. In successive shots, we see several soldiers, including VARGAS, the CASIO 06, and MCCREADY caught in flames, before finally hearing the explosions we cut to a wide shot of the building, the flames bursting out into the air.

Red Vs Blue Season 15 male ocWhere stories live. Discover now