43 - The Aftermath

Start from the beginning

You rested your head on your hand and snorted. "Sorry, I must be rambling a lot. Forget what I said to you earlier and don't bother with someone like me"

You lay back in the tub and went to sleep to heal your injuries. Meanwhile, Smoker was thinking about what you had said to him earlier. Memories . . .to think that you would have to go through with that. Even suffering from nightmares every night. Was that why you were always so sleepy?? He wanted to ask more but you might not be comfortable with it so he refrain from questioning her further. Celestial Dragons . . .whats her relationship with them??


The next day, your injuries surprisingly recovered, shocking the ship's doctor but it didn't surprise you as this happens all the time that you stopped questioning it. You were laughing your ass off because of Luffy's bounty increase and Zoro's new bounty while reading the newspaper as Smoker keeps telling you to shut up. Your weapons and your bag were luckily retrieved or else you wouldn't know how to keep your real face a secret or be weaponless.

Over these past few days, you've been chilling on the marine ship as the subordinates were wondering what is a woman like you doing on a marine ship and why Captain Smoker took you with him to Marineford plus a stranger at that.

You were watching Tashigi training by herself while leaning at the door frame of the training room. It is most likely that the incident at Alabasta motivated her to get stronger since she wasn't able to do anything.

You know that one day you will be enemies of different sides but as a swordswoman, you couldn't help but want to help her with the way of the sword so you decided to reveal yourself.

"Need some help with the training?? The promise to have a spar with you as swordswomen still stands" you strolled into the training room.

Tashigi was startled by your presence and was shocked that you were here on a marine ship. "(First Name)?? What are you doing on a marine ship?? Did Smoker-san capture you??" she questioned warily.

Your head tilted in confusion. Smoker didn't tell her about your secret?? Although it's nice and all that he kept under wraps, you would be meeting each other very often and there may be a time when she starts to get suspicious.

"Didn't Smoker tell you?? Or are you just too busy to even notice?? I've been here the whole time since we left Alabasta and no, Smoker didn't capture me. I was just going the same way with you" you replied.

She raised a brow. He didn't capture you?? And what did you mean, going the same way as us??

Before she could question you further, you changed the subject. "So . . .do you want me to help you or not??"

She blinked once. Then twice before she answered with another question. "Why would you help me?? Arent we enemies??"

You shrugged. "I thought so too but watching you train makes me want to give you a few pointers as a fellow swordswoman. Sorry if you take it the wrong way. I just couldn't help it" you smiled close-eyed, not noticing the red blush of the swordswoman.

"J-just this once b-but the next time I will arrest you!!" she stuttered while pointing her finger at you.

You chuckled. That's cute. "Sure~ but that won't happen because you can't arrest me" you chirped as you turned around and left the room. "I'll go to my room to get my swords"

Once you returned with your swords. You are wearing an outfit appropriate for training and combat.

Your outfit

Your outfit

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