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Killua POV:

"Just look at me Killua, I look like a flippin' DEMON!"

Gon shoves his new school ID in my face.

The picture is blurry, and he's smiling a little too widely, but it's not nearly as bad as mine.

"You don't look like a demon, Gon. Look at mine."

My photo is also blurry, and I'm not even looking at the camera, but instead staring nervously into a corner.

"At least you don't look like a demon, you're just not looking at the camera!"

"Well, they're both so blurry, maybe they just need to hire a better photographer. One who doesn't take such shitty pictures."

We both laugh.

With just a couple days left of summer, we're here at orientation.

I stare around at the halls of our soon-to-be new junior high.

I wish summer didn't have to end. It's amazing how something can feel like a lifetime and the blink of an eye at the same time.

But no matter how much I wish for these last days to last forever, they seem to only go faster, and school looms before me. A nervous knot forms in my stomach, but I try to ignore it.

"Hey Killua, are you listening?"


I turn my attention back to Gon.

"Sorry love, I spaced out for a second," I tell him.

"It's okay! I just asked where you wanna go next," he says.

"Hmmm. Well maybe let's just walk around a bit."

He agrees and we roam the halls, looking for something interesting.

Orientation is cool because it gives us time to familiarize ourselves with the building before we have to start going to classes. We also got our schedules and took pictures for our school IDs.

As we wander around the halls we notice teachers giving presentations in classrooms and kids standing in front of posters for various club activities.

"Hey, check this out, it's our social studies classroom," I say, peeking into the room.

Gon looks in as well.

Through the crack in the door we can see a young girl standing at the head of the classroom, behind the teacher's desk.

How strange.

She's got long golden pigtails, the ends curled into ringlets, and she wears an old fashioned looking brown dress. She appears to be giving a presentation.

She's just a young teacher I guess.

Now that I know she's the teacher I can tell that she's an adult, but I couldn't at first glance.

"Let's go in," says Gon.

"Wait, what-"

But before I can protest any further Gon pushes open the door and tugs me into the classroom.

The woman at the desk stops talking and turns to look at us.

"Oh, hello! Are you here to join us? I'm just giving a short presentation about our social studies class," she tells us, friendliness in her voice.

"Oh cool, we'll join!" says Gon, and we take seats near the back.

I look to the front of the classroom where the teacher resumes talking about her class.

Nothing's Forever - KillugonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora