Almost Okay

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Killua POV:

The next day I wake up with my alarm, my wounds aching.

Last night, Gon and I stayed in the treehouse for a while, just sitting and enjoying each other's company.

When I got home I just snuck back in through the window.

I hope my parents don't suspect anything. I don't care what they think, I just don't want to get hit again. Or worse, have my parents go after Gon. I don't want him to get involved and end up hurt. I have to protect him.

I continue thinking about Gon. I know I should be more concerned about my wounds, but Gon fills my mind so completely I can almost ignore the pain of the lashes. Well... almost.

I try not to think about it.

Think about Gon.

I really kissed him last night, it wasn't a dream. I was really there with him.

I had my first kiss.

I kissed my crush.

Holy fuck.

Now I mustn't get used to saying that, even if it's only in my head. Mother and father would say it's undignified. But wait... they would disapprove. Heh. Good.

I don't care what they say anymore and I will defy them as much as possible, as long as I also avoid the belt.

I get in the shower and gently wash my wounds. They're still tender and they hurt like hell. These will leave scars.

I dry off and pat my wounds dry, then get dressed and all that stuff I need to do.

Gon and i agreed to meet at the treehouse in my morning, so that's where I'll go.

I grab my binoculars and walk into the kitchen.

Then I remember the rocks.

I go back to my room and out the stones in their woven bag. I would've wanted to give Gon the rocks last night, but I didn't have them with me, so I'll give them to him now. No time like the present.

I actually walk into the kitchen this time.

"Where are you going Killua?" my mother asks me softly.

I don't look at her.

"Just out, like always," I say, "The park or the convenience store or something."

She looks like she's about to object, but she just hangs her head.

"Ok," she says.

I head for the garage.

"Killua wait,"

I turn, and surprisingly, my mother pulls me into a hug, loosely holding me to her chest.

I let her hold me for a second, before stepping back.

She sits back down, and I head out to the garage.

Why would she hug me? Does she feel bad about what she let father do to me?

Well too bad. She let him do that, and I won't forgive her for that.

She made her bed as she let him beat me all these years, and now she has to lay in it when I don't want to be around her. It can't be helped.

All of a sudden something in the garage catches my eyes, poking out from a big pile of junk. I haven't seen this in so long...

I tuck it under my arm as I leave.

I walk down the street carrying it and see Gon.

He's standing outside his house, his bike held steady in one hand, and a little tub in his other.

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