Day 5 - Last Times

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3 days left

Gon POV:

Today Killua and I are doing everything for the last time.

We're going around the suburbs and the town and go the places we always go, but for the last time.

The already visited a lot of the little stores we used to go to. The convenience stores where we would get slushies, the hardware store where we got the supplies for the pulley, and the department store where we got a basket for my bicycle.

We didn't need anything, just needed to say goodbye.

I used to feel content with leaving a place when I knew I had to.

With this place, I'm not sure I'll ever truly have closure.

We walk into the Starbucks. Our Starbucks, where we would just come to hang out and talk for hours.

The familiar smell of cleaning products and coffee hits me and I feel tears building behind my eyes, the pressure making them burn.

Killua must have noticed I'm having a hard time, because intertwines his fingers with mine. I know he's trying to help, but it's just making it worse.

This is the last time.

We order our regulars and head to our table once they're done.

We sit down on the same side of the table, on the right, like always.

I take a sip of my drink. It's cold, but I barely taste it. My throat feels thick, the pressure of trying to keep my breathing steady is making it tight. It hurts to swallow.

I feel the first hot tear slide down my cheek.

Killua notices.

"Oh, love," he says sadly, reaching up to wipe it away.

I can't contain it anymore. He wraps his arms around me and just holds on as I start to cry.

I'm crying in the middle of a coffee shop, in public. In that moment, I want to disappear.

I wouldn't take back a second of the time I spent here in this town, but that doesn't stop the hurt. The idea of leaving this place makes my heart ache. This place was familiar.

It became my home.


Having seen everything we needed to see, Killua and I are back at the treehouse.

I nudge the dirt around the little garden fence with my foot.

The garden never grew. We kind of figured it wouldn't, and this way, it's one less thing I have to leave behind. But at the same time, it's still there, and seeing it makes me feel empty inside. I wish it had grown.

Once we're inside the treehouse, I watch Killua feed the robin.

I'll miss him too. He was a good little bird.

"Hey Gon?"

I turn to look at Killua.


"You want to try and hold him?"

He gestures at the bird.

"Oh, sure," I say.

Killua gives me a little bit of seed and I hold it in my palm. Then he holds his wrist, where the robin is sitting, next to mine.

At first the robin starts to eat the seed from my hand while remaining on Killua, but Killua manages to gently nudge it onto my arm.

"Go on," he murmurs softly to the bird.

Nothing's Forever - KillugonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang