Day 7 - Goodbye

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1 day left

Gon POV:

Today is the last day.

Tomorrow we catch our flight. The flight leaves at seven, meaning we'll have to get up at four to be there two hours early. God knows why Mito-san made it so early, but I think it's better that way. The light of the early morning reveals all things. It shows the world in it's true form. I want to see the town like that before I go.

I wake up with silent tears dripping down my cheeks. I don't bother wiping them away.

I hope I can spend most of today with Killua, but first I have to pack. My room is mostly empty, it's just my furniture and a couple other small things.

The movers will drive the truck carrying all the stuff we packed away later today.

I get up and shower. The only toiletries I have right now are travel sized. Once I'm done using them I pack them into a thick, gray, sort of box shaped, cloth pouch with a handle. That's my toiletries. Check.

I change into the second to last outfit I had set out. The other one will be for tomorrow.

Then I strip the sheets and put them in a bin that I have in my room. The movers have to take everything we have packed today, so I guess I'll just be sleeping on my mattress tonight.

Now to pack my backpack.

The toiletries pouch goes in first, at the bottom. I add a couple more things including a thin photo book, an old journal, and a book for the plane.

I slip my crocheted cloud and Killua's friendship rock into a small pocket on the inside of the backpack, along with one other memento. A little friendship bracelet made of green string, with a single green and white swirled bead in the center. Kurapika has it's twin. I gave it to him before I left, and I always keep mine close to me. I sigh.

More tears fall as I look at the three little items. A reminder of the two pieces of my heart that will be missing for the rest of my life.

I pack up the rest of my stuff into the bag, except for the stuff I'll pack at the very last minute, then head out to see Killua.

Once we get to the treehouse, we sit on the floor for a while, just silently hugging and crying.

This is the last day.

"Killua," i say, "Let's say our goodbyes tonight ok?"

"No," he responds, "No, I'll get up to see you off. Even if I have to sneak out I'll see you off."


"Yes love?" he says.

"I want you to sleep."


"When I leave, i mean. I want to say our goodbyes tonight, and you to be asleep when I leave. Please, love, it will be better this way."

He just stares at me, his eyes full of pain.

"That way-" my voice gives way to a sob, "when you w-wake up, I w-won't be there."

"No, Gon, come on. Please," he pleads.



"Please, just do this for me. It will be better that way. I just- I just, I need you to be asleep when I leave, and when you wake up, I will just be gone. Please, Killua, do this for me. Say you will," I beg him.

"Are you sure?"

I nod.

"It'll be better that way. I know it's selfish, but I just can't watch you slip away from me like that. I already had to do that once, just please, don't make me do it again. And it'll be easier for you too. When you wake up, I'll already be on the plane. Please Killua."

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