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Killua POV:

The next morning I'm already awake when my alarm rings.

I shut it off and climb out of bed, rubbing my sore legs.

I head to my bathroom and take a quick shower, turning the tap cold to wake myself up.

I put on gray cargo shorts and a white t-shirt, lace up my shoes, and run to the kitchen.

My mother is eating breakfast.

I grab three granola bars and stuff them in my pockets, heading for the garage door.

"I'm going out," I say hurriedly.

"What's the rush?" asks my mother, "You're not getting into any trouble out there are you?"

"No," i say.

"Alright. Be good,"

She goes back to eating her breakfast.

I rush out to the garage and grab my bike.

I head off down the street, passing by Gon's house on my way to the park. He's not outside right now. I wonder what he's doing.

I decide against the park and turn the corner. I'm going to bike around the neighborhood today.

I bike down a few streets and then turn down one and ride it to the end, then turn onto the next one. I weave in and out of the streets like this.

I enjoy the whipping wind on my face, it's a nice day.

It's summer but it hasn't gotten too hot so far. Yet, at least.

I turn down another street and see Stella McClain playing in her yard. Stella is probably the only other kid in the neighborhood other then me, well, me and Gon now.

She looks up when I bike past, pushing her hair away from her face. She has dark, wavy brown hair that falls down her back, and gray-blue eyes that almost look like they have a hint of purple. Today she's wearing a blue dress. Stella is nice, and so are her parents, but I never really thought about them much. Stella was just the resident ten year old who lived with her parents and was adored by all the old people. Not that that mattered to me.

I ignore her as usual. I don't need people to like me.

But what about Gon?

I ignore those thoughts and bike onto the next street, the one next to mine.

Then, all of a sudden, I hear loud barking.

I look back.

There is a huge dog chasing me, barking and snarling like mad.

"Ah!" I cry, and pedal faster, but the dog is catching up at me, snarling. It's jaws dripping with drool.

I turn and go flying onto my street, pedaling as fast as I can.

The dog is close on my heels, snapping at my feet. It gets me and I feel the pain through my shoe.

"Ahhh!" I yell.

I turn on my bike and kick the dog hard in the face.

"Go away! Get away from me!" I scream, but it just gets angrier.

I turn around to see where I'm going a second too late. The front wheel of my bicycle collides with the curb and the whole thing tips over, sending me crashing onto the floor.

The dog runs up to me, and I kick wildly at it, filled with fear.

I must have scraped myself, I'm hurting.

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