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Gon POV:

When the alarm rings I haul myself out of bed, half awake and feeling like I'm dying, for so many reasons.

I'm not gonna shower, I don't care.

I hope Killua is sleeping.

"It's better that way," I tell myself, speaking out loud.

It doesn't help.

I feel like I've cried myself dry, and yet more tears still come.

I walk into my bathroom.

That's one of the last times I'll do that, if not the last.

I put on a plain gray t-shirt and green shorts. Something comfortable for the plane.

I fold my pajamas and put them in my backpack along with yesterday's clothes. I have to carry everything that's still in my room, since the movers already left.

More movers will come to pack the downstairs and move the furniture.

I tuck my phone charger into the little pocket on my backpack, and finish putting everything else in.

I make sure Killua's box is securely in my bag before closing it up.

I'm ready.

I'm mean, I'm not ready, but I can go.

I slip on my shoes and bid a sad farewell to my room.

I liked this room. It was big, and nice.

I walk down the hallway and the stairs one last time, listening to the floorboards creak.

It's too early for breakfast, and I'm not hungry either.

Aunt Mito greets me quietly, and tries to get me to eat something, but I ignore her.

Grandma comes downstairs dressed and ready.

"You guys ready to go?" Mito-san asks softly.

We nod solemnly.

Aunt Mito calls us an Uber since the movers have to move the car.

I walk down our drive for the last time, hand in hand with Grandma. She squeezes my hand, but it doesn't make me feel better. Nothing will. I take one last look at our house.

The tears start as we get in the backseat of the car. We put our backpacks in our laps.

Aunt Mito tries to put an arm around me, but I shrug her off and shrink against Grandma. I won't look at either of them.

I know I'm being too harsh on Mito-san, but in this moment I really can't care. I'm in too much pain.

I stare out the window as we pass Killua's house, my tears feeling like they'll never stop.

"Goodbye my love," I say softly, not caring who hears me.

Killua POV:

I stare at the wall, I can practically feel the dark circles under my eyes.

After I went to bed I was in and out of a feverish, fitful sleep until 2 a.m., when I just gave up on sleeping.

It's now 3:50.

I feel weighed down by my tiredness. My body is sticky and hot under the blanket, but I don't kick it off. My face is wet with tears. I'm fucking exhausted, physically, and mentally.

I've never felt so awful and hopeless in my entire life.

It's 3:51.

Gon will be leaving soon.

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