Pray for the Children

Start from the beginning

"Why?" Bryn asked cautiously, not wanting to set off the emotional female.

"I was there when he died." Esmae replied, taking a deep breath, "He killed himself. I've gotten over it now, but mother never did. Garren gave me a way out, a place to stay to recover and got me in with the healer here."

"He sounds like a good male," Bryn said.

"He is an amazing male." Esmae said with a firm nod.

"Henry should be here by mid-day," Bryn said, turning to Theorn, "He is bringing Marie, she is an amazing female. I'm surprised he managed to win her over."


"Hello," One of the sisters said, standing in front of the temple doors. "It's lovely to see some new faces."

"Sister Ransa," Esmae called, grinning up at the black haired female with silver streaking through her long hair, "It's lovely to see you again."

"Esmae," The sister's face sombered, "I'm so glad to see you. I was worried when Garren was coming here alone. Especially when he has been so erratic."

"What do you mean?" Esmae asked, stilling.

"Garren has been showing up here every morning when the sun rises," Sister Ransa explained to her, "He seems frantic when he comes in, but settles down for prayer."

"Oh..." Esmae breathed, "Is he here now?"

"He is," The sister frowned, "Is something wrong Esmae?"

"Not at all," Esmae smiled, "Have you met our lady yet?"

Sister Ransa looked away from Esmae towards me, "Not yet. Lovely to meet you, Lady Aslin. I was hoping you would show up soon."

"Sorry I haven't come sooner." I replied, stepping closer, "Would you be willing to give me a tour of the temple?"

"Of course," The sister beamed, tilting her head to the side before using us inside. "Right this way my lady."

She led us through the pews that lined the center hall. I took note of the sandy haired male that had his head hung low in the back of the temple pews. Esmae slipped away from our small group and Theorn and I shared a smile. We walked through the temple, praising the stained glass windows.

"Through here is the school room," Sister Ransa said, leading us into another room, "Class doesn't start until midday so the children have time to do chores and whatever else their families may need help with. Sister Anya leads the classes."

"Do the orphans come here?" I asked, trailing a hand over one of the tables.

"Of course!" She answered, "The sisters here also run the orphanage. We are all very grateful for the donations from his lordship. They keep this place running."

"I'm so glad to hear that," I replied.

The sister smiled at me about to continue talking when a startled scream split through the air. We all rushed out of the room just in time to see Garren rushing out of the temple with Esmae in his arms.

"I'm fine!" She managed to yell before disappearing from view.

"What just happened?" Bryn asked, looking down at me, "Should we go after her?"

I looked to Theorn and he shrugged, "She said she's fine and Garren clearly needed to spend some time with her. Let's send someone over to check on them tonight. Actually... Casi?"

"Yes?" He answered, stepping away from the carriage.

"Can you follow them please?" I asked, "I'm not sure if he will take her to their home or try to hide her somewhere. He clearly isn't himself right now."

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