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I was at home, waiting for either Leo or aunt to call me and tell that everything's okay, that she will pay for everyone she has done to Leo.

We are doing all this behind everyone's back, just the three of us know for this and I don't feel comfortable because mum and dad see that something is wrong but I just can't tell them.

My phone finally buzzed and I immediately picked up the call.

"can you come over?" Leo asked quietly and I almost burst into tears fight away

"yeah, I will be there in 10" I said hurrying out of the house and to his apartment

I can't even imagine what happened but he need me there, beside him and I'm gonna do so.

As soon as I entered his apartment and found him in the living room I hugged him tightly.

"it's okay" I said quietly as he wrapped his arms around me

"you got her?" I asked and he nodded as I hugged him even tighter


"based on all available information this court manifestly disagree with the government's sentencing recommendation. Miss Gonzalez, this court sentences you 6 months of prison and 2 millions of dollars fine, this case is adjourned" judge said and I finally let my breath away

I looked at Kennedy and James as my hands were sweating.

I was so scared how it's gonna end, but fortunately it ended well, she's gonna pay for everything and Leo can finally breath out.

"it's over" he whispered wrapping his arms around me

"let's go away from here" I said looking at him and he nodded

He thanked aunt and said something to his parents before he got back closer to me and took me by hand.

"let's go" he said and we walked towards his car


"I'm so glad this is all over now and that I won't see her ever again" Leo said as we entered his apartment

"what do you want for lunch?" I asked going to the kitchen

"some good unhealthy spaghetti?" he said asking and I just smiled

"cheat day, huh?" I asked looking at him

"would you help me?" I asked nad he got closer to me wrapping his arms around my waist kissing my neck

"I'm not sure I can be much of help" he mumbled leaving kisses on my neck

"you can get me the chicken so we can fry it" I said and he he exhaled pulling me with him towards the freezer

I just smiled to myself as he took chicken from the freezer and walked back to where we were a minute ago.

"so you will be like this the whole time?" I asked and he nodded kissing my shoulder

After an hour of trying and fighting with Leo behind my back not letting go from me we finally made us lunch.

We sat at the kitchen island and he pulled my legs over his resting on eof his hand on my knees as we eat. Here and there he get me a piece on his fork as I just smiled.


He was playing football on PlayStation with Alex as I was laying on couch beside him reading my book.

He was quiet, just opposite to Kyle and it was good for me because I could be beside him but still read my book in peace. Or I just thought I could.

"Fuck off Alex" he shout as I got scared for a second because it took me by surprise but he immediately looked at me and leaned closer to kiss me

"I'm sorry" he said

He got back to his game and I gave my attention back to my book.

All I ever read about relationships, types of people in relationship and all the standards I made for my boyfriend he broke them all down.

Light haired guy with light eyes, he was that type. Playing any kind of sport, bigger chances if he's footballer, he got that too.

But then we get to that emotional side of person that I care the most about.

I always thought about having a best friend who will later maybe become more and with him in one hand that really happened.

I wanted someone who will be able to make me love myself, to get self confidence that I didn't have, someone who will love me because of who I am not for who my parents are and what my last name is, I got that. He helped me to get self confidence, he's always letting me know that I am good enough just the way I am, no matter on all imperfects that I hate and he knows me in soul but still loves me the way he do.

And then we have sexual side of relationship. I never imagined I would ever have what I have with him. Yes, at the start it was new and weird for me, I was uncomfortable but he made me addicted to him and I now it's all normal, even not that normal for last two months.

Least to say I do miss him but I also know he wants to make it different, to make me feel loved, not to think that he's with me because of my body, as he always says it.

I took my eyes from book to look at him. I was staring at his profile as his jaw lightly clench when he was close to score but also when Alex was close to score.

His eyes fully focused on TV screen as his fingers professionally pushed those buttons over and over again.

"I know you're staring, so you better stop" he mumbled and I looked at his face, he was still looking at screen

"why?" I asked

"you know why" he said and I put my book on the coffee table getting closer to him

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