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I decided not to bring it back so I entered his room without a word. I laid down on my side on the bed so I was facing him as he was staring at the ceiling.

I pulled closer to him putting my arm over his torso and resting my head on his shoulder.

He seem so stressed and I was so worry but I didn't ask anything. As soon as he exhaled wrapping his arm around me I relaxed and so did him.

"I don't want to go because of what happened last time, I don't want all those girls around me, I just want you Grace but noone understand me not even you and I hate that. I don't know what to do to show you all that it's only you and noone else" he said and I looked up at him

"I wanted to have a summer with you but you're going with your parents and I'm going with mines and I'm scared we won't have time" he said and I smiled at him, he doesn't have an idea

"why are you smiling?" he asked

"you have no clue" I said and he frowned

"what?" he asked

"call your dad or mom and ask about holidays" I said

"why?" he asked

"just call them" I said

He groaned and took his phone calling James and putting it on speaker.

"hey man" James said and I just sat there waiting to see Leo's reaction when he will hear his family holidays plans

"hey dad" Leo said looking at me still confused

"um.... I wanted to ask about holidays plans" he said

"actually, I just wanted to tell you the news about it" James said

"I talked with Ben and he said that they were planning holidays and thought about LA, so, as we know that you planned to have some time this summer with Grace we thought it would be great to have that month in LA shared with them" James said as I just smiled even more hugging my knees and looking at Leo

"and that will be my time with Grace?" Leo asked and I looked at him confused as he was looking at me not even blinking

"no, that means you have a month more until new season" James said

"yeah, okay" Leo mumbled

"are you up for it?" James asked

"yeah, whatever" he said not interested and it confused me

"are you okay?" James asked

"yeah, I'm just tired, I'm gonna see you tomorrow" he said and hung up the call

"what's happening Leo? I'm literally dying of worry because with every move I make, you-" he crashes me down on the bed kissing me

I pushed him away looking at him now mad, he think he can make everything up with kisses and his dirty mind.

"stop" I said pulling away from him

"I do trust you, but sometimes you make me feel like I don't know you, sometimes I have a feeling like you're not interested in me at all until it come to sexual side of our relationship" I said

I did feel bad but it was the truth and he is not honest with me about his feelings and I just can't do that, I have to tell him how I feel.

"what are you talking about?" he asked clearly not satisfied with what I just said

"earlier I told you that it's only you and that I don't want anyone else and now you're saying that I'm not interested in you until the sex is in case? Are you insane?" he shout and least to say I got scared

"what do you want Grace? Did you found someone else? Do you want to break up and that's why you're saying all this? To make me say let's break up so it won't be your fault? I don't understand you!" he shout as I was just staring at him

Tears weren't coming up, I didn't feel a thing and I know it was all just because I know this is not what he really thinks. He is not honest, still not and I don't know what to think.


"I WANT YOU TO BE HONEST WITH ME, AT LEAST ONCE" I shout back and he frowned

"At least once? Remind that you said few minutes ago that you trust me? It doesn't seem like that. Because if you do trust me you will know that I'm honest with you this whole time, but it seems like we actually don't know each other...at all" he said standing up

"I can't do this Grace, I wanted to have time with you this summer, alone, but it seems like you just fucked it up with your trusting me" he said and left a room

At that moment I felt my heart breaking but I couldn't cry.

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