Chapter nineteen | Safe in my arms.

Start from the beginning

"Mi amor, mama needs to go to the store and grab yousome pull-ups, can you come with me?" Camila nods sleepily as she allowed Lauren to unbucle her from her carseat. "Can you walk?" she asked since she she rembered that Camila had a broken rib. "A little" Camila nodded

"Okay but I think I have a better idea" Lauren says as she pulled the car over.

"I'm going to put you in the cart that way you won't hurt your rib, alright?" Lauren tells her five year old as she gently lifted her up into the cart. "Are you comfortable

Camila nods as Lauren does the same with a smile. They make their way inside as they head straight into the baby section where she found what she was looking for. She grabs a disney princess package that Camila had picked out. Lauren also bought some baby powder and oil to prevent rashes. They go into self-checkout before exiting the store.

Not long after they were finally back home.


"Mama they're here!" Mani said as she hopped down from the sofa.

Dinah gets up from her seat as walks over to the front door with Normani by her side.

Once Dinah opens the door for Lauren and Camila, Normani runs over towards her  little cousin Camila as she crashed her body into a hug. Camila lets out a whimper in pain as she felt Normani being pulled away from her. "Normani! what did I say about being careful with Mila, huh?"

Dinah said as the smll girl looked down in shame. "Sorry mama, I just missed Mila"

With a sigh Dinah lifts up Normani's chin up. "I know honey, and she missed you too, but Mila isn't feeling to good right now so we have to be gentle with her just like I said earlier, right?" she raised an eyebrow

"Yes mama, I'm sorry" she appoligized

"It's okay Mani, now go and give Mila an apology and a gentle hug" she told her seven year old. Normani turns to Camila as she hugged her gently. I'm sorry I wasn't careful, Mila" she said smiling.

"I forgive you Mani'' she said as she felt Normani lay eyes on her cast.

"Lets go inside now girls, it's getting late'' Lauren announced as they all entered the house. Lauren helped Camila off her shoes and sweater before taking her by the hand to enter the kitchen.

It was getting late for the Hansens and for the Jauregui's. Tomorrow Dinah had to get back to work and as for Lauren, stay home and watch over Camila.

"I'm sorry to say but, Mani and I have to be getting home" Dinah said with a frown.

"Don't be sorry DJ, it's been a long day for all of us. go get some rest" she smiles as she heard a whine

"I wanted to play with Mila" Normani frowned as she watched Dinah put on her coat. "No Mani, we have things to do tomorrow and besides Mila can't do much with her arm and rib" another whine leaves Normani's lips as she put on her sweater. "Say goodbye to auntie and Mila"

"Goodbye auntie and Mila' she said hugging them both. "Bye sweetheart, you can come another day and play with cousin Mila, yeah?'' she said kissing her forehead.

"Sure auntie" she said before pulling away

"Thanks for everything DJ" Lauren said hugging her warmly. "I can't do much with out you." she spoke softly

"I'm here for you and Mila always, Laur and yes you can do so many things with-out me Lauren. Trust me" she pulled away smiling before turning to hug Camila. "Hey Boo, I hope you feel better tomorrow" she says kissing her cheek. "Auntie DJ loves you sooo much"

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