Chapter four | Monday.

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Years went by quickly for Lauren and Dinah, watching as their little girls grew bigger each day.

Normani was not a two year old baby who loved to make messes in Dinah's bathroom anymore. She was now a seven year old girl in second grade who had a great passion for dance and gymnastics.

In the other hand was a timid little five year old girl named Camila who loved to paint and especially bake with her momma on the weekends. Camila wasn't going to start school until next year. She was still in kindergarten at the time.

Lauren was a fifth grade teacher in West View Elementary school. She loved what she did and she loved her students. When she was pregnant with Camila she wasn't able to attend school because it had become quite stressful for her so, she took a long break and when she was finally able to go back, all of her students and other teachers had planned a welcome back party and congratulated her for her newborn.

Dinah in the other hand worked in a bakery not to far away from her own home. She loved working there and over the years she had learned new baking techniques. She had become a pro chef at baking and even cooking.

Lauren had just woke up from the sound of her alarm making her groan in annoyance. Today was a Monday which meant work for Lauren. She pulled the covers aside and stepped out of bed, making her way over to her closet to grab a white T-shirt and and a pair of black denim jeans. She kept it simple.

Once she got what she was going to ware, she heads over to the bathroom and turns on the shower.

After showering, she makes her way out of the bathroom and goes over to her nightstand to check the time.

8:20 am.

Time to get Camila ready for kindergarten.

Before she leaves to wake her daughter up, Lauren makes quick work into blow-drying her hair. Then she makes her hair into a bun.

She heads out of her room, walking over to where her sleeping little girl was. She knew this wasn't going to be an easy thing to do because Camila hated going to kindergarten and she especially hated waking up early in the morning. Lauren knew Camila would fight her into going into kindergarten like every other day.

She opens the the door slightly, revealing a sleeping little girl curled up closely to her black and white kitten, Normani had given her before she was even born.

Camila named her Luna.

"Camila baby, wake up" Lauren whispers, shaking her softly "it's time to get ready for kindergarten"

"Noo mama" Camila says stirring to the side. "I don't want to go" she whines.

"Baby, come on don't make this hard for me. I have to be at work in less than an hour"

"I don't care, I want to sleep" she says not bothering to move.

"No camila, mama needs to go to work and you need to be at school right now. So wake up so you can take a shower and get ready for the day" Lauren tells her five year old.

Lauren heads over to Camilas closet and grabs her an outfit she had got her from Burlington.

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