Chapter thirteen | Sick.

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The next day. 8:15 AM.

Lauren's alarm clock went off loudly making Camila jump up in fright. Cold sweat was dripping down her forehead and her heart was beating fast against her chest. Slowing realizing it was now morning, she wipers the cold sweat out of her forehead with the back of her hand. She then decides to go over and turn it off since Lauren was still asleep.

Camila gently tiptoes out of her mamas room before peeking into her own room where Olivia was cuddled up warmly with Luna in her hold. Camila wanted ever so badly to snatch it out of her hands and keep her close to her. She then takes a few steps closer to where the sleeping girl was and starts to slowly reach out for her stuffed animal but sadly she didn't succeed when Olivia squirms and holds Luna closer to her chest.

Camila just stands there looking at both Luna and Olivia before she hears a soft 'ahem' come from behind her. Camila flinches slightly while turning to see who it was.


"Hey, what are you doing?" She whispered. Camila looks at her for a moment before gesturing over to where Luna was with her eyes. "Camila we can get her later. Let Olivia sleep a little more" she said.

Camila nods before walking back out. She lifts her head up timidly to look at her mama who had a small grin on her lips. "Let's get something to eat, yeah?" Camila shakes her head no making Lauren frown. "Not hungry mama" she hesitated. "C-can I go back to sleep?" She asked her mama "Okay. I'll be down stairs making breakfast if you change your mind." Camila nods before leaving Lauren's sight.

She really didn't feel like being around her mama for some reason she didn't understand. She was always so close to her, but ever since Olivia came along, everything had somehow changed between them

She even wondered at night time if her mama wven still loved her or not. She hated the thought but it just seemed like it was true at some point.


12:30 PM.

"Thank you for lunch Ms. Jauregui." Olivia said enthusiastically. "You're welcome, love." Olivia places the dirty dish inside the sink before washing her hands. Lauren is almost finished with her meal as well but Camila... not so much.

"Camila you haven't touched your food at all" Lauren tells the child. "I'm not hungry." She said still picking her food with the fork. "Are you feeling sick? Because you feel a little warm." Lauren feared touching the youngster with the back of her hand. "No mama, I'm okay"

"You barely ate anything for breakfast, love" Lauren said now starting to feel worried. "Do you think if I spoon feed will eat?"

Camila really wanted to say yes but with Olivia in the room she decided to say no this time. She didn't want to be teased by Olivia afterwards.

"Okay, try and finish your juice instead" Lauren says, now standing up from her seat. "Olivia can you do me a favor and bring me my thermometer that is upstairs in my bathroom cabinet that's on the far right, for me"

"Sure, Ms. Jauregui" Olivia says giving Camila an annoyed look. 

Camila takes small sips from her sippy cup before placing it down on the table not feeling to well to drink any more. From the corner of her eye she could see her mama was observing her which made her anxious. Camila was slowly starting to fell sick to her stomach and tears where already forming on her eyes.

"Here you go, Ms. Jauregui" Olivia says handing over the thermometer to Lauren.

"Thanks, Olivia." Lauren takes it before walking over and taking a seat beside Camila. "Say 'ahh' Camila"

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