42 - The End of the Civil War

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You swam back to the key as fast as you could but you were tackled by another one of the group. You choked but fought back as you bit the crocodile hard and forced it out of its grip. Your animal form is making you vulnerable so you switched to plan B. You shifted to your mermaid form and swam at them full speed with your fist out. You punched the crocodile and knocked it unconscious.

Once done, you quickly swam back to the key and scooped it up into your hand. With the key in your hand, you allowed a grin to grace your lips. You looked up to check on the Straw hats but it looked like they are shouting even louder in volume. You could even sense some panic in them in their muffled voices. Are they worried about you?? They shouldn't. You'll be up on the surface in no time.

You realize why they are getting louder. It's not that they're worried, they're trying to warn you. You could hear a vicious and hungry growl from behind and it is closer to you. Quickly, you twisted your neck around with eyes frantically looking to find the source of the sound. Another crocodile but bigger than the other two stared back at you, eyes brimming with hunger.

"Listen. I got no time to deal with you as I need to get back to my friends to free them from their little bird cage so if you excuse me, I got some people to save" you told off the crocodile as you swam past the large crocodile as fast as you could towards the trapdoor.

Thanks to the bites from the other two reptiles on your tail, you know that the other crocodiles will take notice of the smell of your blood as it leaks out of your wounds.

"Almost there!!"

Just as you thought you were scot-free, the circular opening only half a foot away, a searing pain shot through your tailfin as something sharp clamped down. A scream rose through your throat but you keep your grip on the critical tight to not want it to slip away.

The crocodile which had managed to catch up with you wasn't biting on your tailfin but it managed to tear a part of it while you were swimming, drawing more blood out of that deep horrendous wound. Just great . . .that will leave quite a scar. Now the other beasts will be able to catch a whiff of it sooner.

But you jinxed it. The other crocodiles, including the two who were knocked out, growled as they come closer to your bleeding form.

Fuck . . .

The crew had seen everything through the partial glass floor. The pure anguish in their voices as they screamed out your name became strikingly clear.

Nami was on her knees, screaming and sobbing as she couldn't do anything else for you. Usopp was shouting at the crocodile before he killed it though his tears and snot took away from the threatening tone. He was desperately shooting at the water yet his ammo didn't do much against the creature's thick skin. Zoro, Ghin, and Luffy were finally crying as well, tears streaming down their faces as they continued to slash, smash and punch the bars, cursing themselves for being weak. Even Smoker stood up and clutched onto the bars tightly as he looked at your bleeding form with worry.

You clicked your tongue. These guys sure are persistent. You spun the large crocodile with its teeth clamping onto your tailfin until you created a man-made whirlpool. The crocodile is still holding on but you know that it's starting to become dizzy so you took this chance to send it flying at the other crocodiles coming. You quickly swam back to the trapdoor. stretching your hand out. You clawed on the edge of the trapdoor before gaining grip. You pulled yourself up as fast as you could, barely missing having your tailfin almost completely bitten off by the said creature.

As soon as your whole body is on the floor, you closed the trapdoor sealed shut, and scrambled or dragged away from the hole. Once you're far enough, you plopped on the floor on your belly, catching your breath.

The Lone Spearwoman || One piece[various] x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon