Boys in the House yow!

Start from the beginning

And because Reed brought my games back ofcourse we all know where we were heading I don't have any other game console in this house beside that room YES! That room where that Blonde BlueGreen Haired Idiot was staying, its either he stayed or find another room cause we're playing,

Without a knock I barge in my playroom or currently Chrysler's bed Room And as expected he wasn't even shocked on the sudden intrusion well that's because he was sleeping that what seems it appears, Gerard and Reed was just standing at the door as if waiting for permission to come in, I was preparing the console I waved a hand to them signaling them to come in and don't be bothered by the half naked guy sleeping on the bed which in trying my best not to look at because I'm still a bit angry at him Reed sat beside me He's the guy last night Right he whispered Yes He's THE GUY I answered emphasizing the words , my eyes caught a glimps on Gerard he was standing at the foot of the bed and grimaced then circled the bed stopping on the bed side table as if Reed saw that I was staring right pass through him he whipped he's head to look aver his shoulder , Gerard Picked The Glass of water sitting on top of the bedside table and never have I imagined what he did next, He poured the water on his brothers Face that made Chrys shot up cursing every curse word he know, I and Reeds. Mouth hanged open in shock Gerard just poured water over his sleeping brother ,that was unexpected from him I said In my head cause for a gentleman that's Unexpected he was still a guy after all , Chrys was seated on the bed recovering from his sudden pulled out of Dream Land he was staring at me and Reed and then may be it sinned in to him who he was seeing in front of him The Fuck You Loser doing here?! He said referring to Reed ,Reed sat there dumbfounded pointing a finger to himself like am-I-the-Loser-you-were-referring-too Look , Immediately after that Chrys shifted from Reed to me Why did you bring your boy toy here?!!! BullShit! He exclaimed Glaring at me and my BestGuy Friend I stood up Ready to punch the living shit out of him when Chrys felt the presence of his brother The fuck you still doing here? He questioned his brother keeping eye with the unleashed dog Gerard spat Narrowing his eyes on his brother but from glaring to blank his facial expression changed as him he was hidding something or maybe shocked to his choice of words That's not how you talk to a lady and to her guest he added back again to the gentleman he is ,well that's a quick patch up Chrysler mumbled something :under his breath that I didn't fully catch up besides look who's talking and some curse word he stood up harshly from the bed which gave me a full view of his muscular torso his sweats that hang dangerously low on his hips God why make such being with that kind of attitude?!!! Whyyy!!!! He gave me a glare before storming out of the room , its like my tongue was tied on a knot I got abs too you know, and I look 10x much hotter than him without this shirt on Gerard said snapping me out of my zone out moment Dont bother youre hotter now even with your shit on I said in response but my eyes was wide open it could just drop out of my eye sockets if only the floor could swallow me now I didn't mean to say that out loud he chuckled I didn't know you found me hotter that my brother Kats he said a smirk was in his lips if he didn't have his gentleman's way's I would think this guy will pass as a bad boy or even ace it okay that's enough compliments I'm starting to be jealous Reed said I don't wanna lose my Best friend again, and not with you bru - he continued holding my wrist and tugs me down to his side he winked at me and I'm silently dancing in my head bowing down yo Reed for getting me out of that embarrassing situation we played 3 player Krazy Kart and COD of course thank For the companies that has 4 player game console no ones gonna left behind haha! We also played Metal Gear and Tekken I missed this with Reed and Gerard wasn't bad at this too, actually he played well for a guy who will inherit a multimillion dollar Company he knows how to be laid back ,why I know he will inherit thier company? The magazine said and Duh! He was the first born child ofcourse he will that's how life of the business tycoons like right? Like the royalties? Ugh nevermind , I felt hungry so I evused myself to get some snacks downstairs , I was in the kitchen humming the tune of Give You what you like by Avril Lavigne preparing some ham sandwich and lemonade for the three of us when I spotted Gerard leaning against the kitchen door frame Hey. He greeted on his deep husky voice hey.I greeted back is it just me or I felt different with us alone this time? He walked slowly towards the breakfast bar where I was preparing the food his eyes that was never living mine that holds something I am aware off WANT he leaned at the breakfast bar before he drops his gaze down the sandwich I was making need any help? He asked his voice deep as if he was seducing me ,it felt like air was stuck on my throat my heart was beating fast why is he suddenly like this? oh god I'm freaking out my hands are shaking but I manage to hide it so he wouldn't know he has an effect on me No.. I'm good its the last piece , I can manage I said the first few word come out hoarse but I manage to went through it I smiled, I wanted to finish the sandwich sooner but it feels like my hands aren't cooperating with me especially when he take some of my hair on his hands and play with it , I look at him dumbly he smirk am I making you uncomfortable? He asked which i answered No. We were staring at each other as if we were trying to read what's on each others mind and I tell you I'm loosing this those orbs with aspects of black and gold could hypnotize anyonei cant even control my breathing ,he licked his lips fast moisturizing it and I say it was sexy as hell I wanna kiss those lips I don't care if I'll look a bitch but hey I'm single and this guy in front of me is sexy as fuck! I have to get a hold of myself I like you're hair he said still not breaking the eye contact, for me the air around us is getting hotter every second ,and is it just me or he's truly inching his face closer to mine shit! He's going to kiss me and he's coming closer....

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