Chapter 12

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Ratchet has been hanging out in the new medical bay the past several days, whereas I have been keeping myself reserved, basically being a recluse around people. I have not spoken to anyone, and they have respected that, all of them except a pair of bots and Galloway. There was this red and a green bot that were constantly watching me wherever I went. How did I know? Well, these guys are not exactly skilled when it comes to spying. As I see them fall over, falling into the open when they have been hiding in a corner, or pretending to be asleep when in their altmodes, but they would fail that too when they would burst into arguments about each other and start dog fighting.

Whereas, Galloway was being very weird around me. It made me suspect that he was telling the Decepticons about the new base we were at. I don't understand why they haven't locked him up. His actions kept making me think he was about to pounce on me and attack me again. I was terrified that I would find myself in a cell because of him.

Walking through the hangars, I headed toward the main hangar where all of the bots gathered, startled when I found several of the bots were in the room, turning to look down at me.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, looking at the bots. Turning my head to Optimus and Prowl who were standing next to each other, along with Ratchet.

"My dear, do you have a name we can call you by?" Lennox asked, walking up to me.

I looked at him, sighing. "I lost my name when I was captured. I used to be called 'Experiment 625,' but I have always liked the name Elowyn." I replied, looking at him.

"Elowyn, we figured you deserved a fair introduction with the all of us, as you have already been with us for a few months." Optimus spoke, crouching down as he looked at me. "As you know we are not from this world. We are Cybertronians. Autobots. You know myself, Ratchet and Prowl." He smiled briefly before gesturing to the others.



"Sideswipe, and that's my brother Sun..." The red bot got hit in the head by the yellow one. "Sunny to you." He spoke, looking down at me. Sideswipe looked briefly like he was surprised along with a few of the others, but he didn't say anything. So I simply nodded back at him.

"Bumblebee." A black and yellow bot buzzed, smiling happily at me.

"Skids, and ugly is Mudflaps." The green twin bot muttered.

"Ugly, we're twins!" Mudflaps roared, shoving his twin.

"Do these guys ever not fight?" I asked, looking at the bots. "Seriously. It must be a talent. To fight about even the littlest things."

Some of the bots burst laughing at my comment. "You are adorable, sweetcheeks." A bot chuckled. "Mirage, at your service. Or call me Dino if you want, either one works, unless you got another nickname for me." The red bot laughed, looking at me.

"Mirage is fine for me." I replied, looking at him.

"Wheeljack, little thing." Another bot spoke, looking down at me.

"Hound." A large, army green bot with something in his mouth muttered.

"Drift." A blue bot, looking like he was a ninja, looked at me.

"Crosshairs." Glaring a little, but it went a little weak when he saw something behind me, finding Sideswipe and Sunny quickly shifting their gazes like they were innocent. Getting me confused as I raised my brows, before shaking my head.

"It is nice to finally know you all by name." I smiled, looking at all of the bots in respect.

"Elowyn, I know you don't trust all of us too well, just yet, but I want you to know if you need to trust anyone, we are willing to help and even listen to you." Optimus spoke, looking down at her. "I know you are scared to still reveal your past and what all has happened to you, but we just want to help learn and perhaps prevent something happening from other children like you."

"I was a survivor in a fight. I was a human child, like any other kid." I spoke, not looking up at him, as I stood still in the room. "During your great battle in a city with the Decepticons, I was elsewhere, where my parents got killed. I was not even from the United States, I lived in Canada, however I fail to have an accent. An object broke free from a military facility, a robot, hellbent on murder of humans. I saw him, a golden bot, however mad he was, he killed several humans within 30 miles from the military base. I lived in a very small town, a forested area. I was hiding underground when he showed up, my parents hid me, but he slaughtered tons, my entire town. Except for a few other kids that were hidden just like me. I didn't get the chance to remorse. I understand that he must have been hurt, furious with the way humans treated him, but he destroyed my life in a way that was far worse than death." I explained, looking up at Optimus in tears, while several of the bots and Lennox were silent.

"We had 40 people in my town. The next town was a good 3 hours away from us. I had no car to escape, nothing to call for help. Nobody had anything. The fake military that he escaped from showed up, searching for us. They scooped up all of us orphans and turned us into experiments. I was the only child to survive. 'Experiment 625' isn't just a number, it is a sign of how I survived. I was child 6, test 2, level 5. Most people died after the first test. Even then the few who made it to the second test died after the first or second level. I was to be cloned and turned into an obedient soldier, made to kill. The goal was to turn humans into Cybertronians, I am not full Cybertronian, but I am not human either. I'm a freak. I should have died like all the kids I heard screaming in pain, from infants to myself, a 10 year old. I have been alone since. Currently just having turned 18." I spoke, looking at everyone in the room, seeing that Crosshairs was no longer glaring at me at all. I merely huffed. Even Sunny was looking sad, as his gaze was briefly on me, before he looked away.

"Elowyn..." Ratchet muttered, crouching near me, but I shook my head. "That wasn't the end of the story. How did I escape? I starved myself. My food was often poisoned. They injected me with every harmful chemical, poison, whatever substance they could. To make me immortal if they could, or better yet the one able to stand against everything. That test failed. As clearly I was weak and pathetic when you first found me. I was running for days and weeks, after I got my first chance to escape. Taking rivers, many different cars I jumped into as ways to escape. Get as far as I could for a taste of freedom. Freedom I knew wouldn't be enough. They would chase me, find me. Clone me once again to make Megatron's disputable army. To become human kind's living machine. To kill more families, children and adults alike. I hated it, how could I not after what led to being in the situation. I had to die. However, I had no gut to kill myself as Silas, from what he calls himself has some serum he uses to start the heart back up, basically brings you back to life. I was headed to a volcano, one that was to erupt soon, one that erupts frequently. As it would destroy my body, hopefully it would erupt just with me nearby and in time take me with it. I had no gut to hurt myself, and I couldn't just kill myself any certain way. Obviously the cons wouldn't do the job. I was too valuable." I looked at the bots as they glanced at me horrified. "Now you know how much of a freak I am. How horrible my past is. I am something that should never have existed. I should have died with my parents, but I didn't. I end up running, terrified when the cons and MECH caught onto my trail, to find myself waking up in your medical bay. Hate me as much as you wish, I already hate myself more than anything. The closest thing I hate just as much is Sunny. If he wanted to kill, he should have killed all of us, at least I would already be free. None of this ever would have happened." I spat, looking at them all. "You were never gonna stop asking, so I told you. Now, just let me be at peace. I want to be alone." I growled as I turned and left the room before they could stop me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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