Chapter 7

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We had made sure to clear everyone, making sure nobody had any form of electronics or technology, before we all started to load up into the military aircraft, as we flew through the sky, towards the horizon, as I sat with my selfmade device that used radio waves that I knew Soundwave didn't use. It was able to use morse code, as we flew through the sky, along with having several maps with us as we approached what was an airport to land at. As soon as we had landed, we got quite a bit of lecture for why we were using the form of communication we were using, but instead nobody spoke, while I received a few glares from the people around me.

I was standing on the cement, outside of the plane with the several soldiers and the autobots in their holoforms, as I stood there examining the area, before we heard the sound of jets flying past, but they didn't stay, they continued toward the horizon as I stood there in the group of people around us. Hoping the cons didn't recognize me. I turned towards Agent Lennox who was watching the sky with a few of the bots' holoforms along with a few soldiers, as I approached. I signaled for him to come with me, as I walked over towards the flight tower, where I knew they would have a certified radar and a few computers I could use to pull up the cameras I had set up at the base when nobody was watching. "Agent Lennox, I need your assistance." I spoke as I looked at him.

"With what?" Agent Lennox asked as he turned to me. "Shouldn't we be watching for the cons if they come back?"

"I need to hack into a radar, to detect the cons flight patterns, but I don't trust using the radar systems in the planes we have shut off. Soundwave will be looking for military frequencies in this area. The second we turn ours on, we will be an immediate target, until the hunt has finally cooled off. I know that was not the only con that will pass by, they will go out a distance, before flying back to the base which when they fly back, will give us the chance to turn on our systems and head to a military base you trust will work for your group or team. A far base would be wise to give us distance between ourselves and the cons." I told him.

"Now you know how to hack?" Galloway, who was currently bandaged up and standing nearby, looking right at me. I turned to him and sighed, before turning back to Agent Lennox. He merely sighed, before gesturing for me to walk with him as we headed to the flight tower where all the flight agents quickly moved away from one of their systems, allowing me to use it, as I turned on a computer and started loading a code that showed a radar the military would have used, showing the cons about to head back in our direction, while a whole bunch of others were already heading back toward the direction they had come from.

"They're already heading back?" Agent Lennox asked over my shoulder, but as I hacked into the computer, I pulled up several camera screens, where I was able to see the base that we had just left. Flipping through the cameras, I could feel Agent Lennox breathing over my neck, leaving me a little uncomfortable as I looked up at him, before sighing and continuing with what I was doing as I pulled up a camera that showed several missiles flying towards the base, making me hold my breath. I sat there, and watched as the camera showed flames exploding, before that camera had died, making me flip through several of the other cameras, before I flipped to one that I had secretly placed on a far side of the base, where you were able to now see the ruins of the base now sitting there as molten metal, ready for the cons to collect and have Silas use for his inventions. I made the camera spin around, as I looked for the bots, before I suddenly jumped as I found Soundwave landing in front of the camera as his tentacle reached towards it, making me quickly pull up some codes and hacks as I was determined not to allow him to find our location, as I filled a few codes and viruses into the camera's system, which ended up being what the con ended up picking up, but only enough to buy myself time, as I forced the camera to blow up on itself. Which I knew would prevent Soundwave from being able to do anything more to track us, as I had left enough energy and chemicals that would tear the camera and everything to do with it apart till it was of no use to the communication specialist.
I switched back to the radar just in time to hear the con fly past us again, and waited a few moments, before I looked at the radar where I saw all the cons were now landing at the destroyed base, before I slowly started to close everything out of the computer to hide any sign of my hacking on it, and leave it back as it had been before I had touched it.

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