Chapter 10

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I woke up hearing the thrashing of crates and boxes being moved around, reminding me of the fact that I had been hiding in this hanger for a long time. Personally I was surprised that I woke up to them not yet having found me. I laid there, looking out at where I could see the movement of a few humans and a bot as they were looking through the larger crates, while moving some of them out of the way and restacking them into what looked like much neater piles, as though to prevent me from being able to hide any longer from them.

Why were they so determined to locate and find me? Did they not understand I wished to be alone, without people to bother me? I felt my tail twitching in the small dark space I was in, while looking up to see a tall stack of crates that were standing over a few humans. Watching as one human stupidly grabbed a small box from the pile, I saw the crates start to shake and lean towards falling on top of the soldier. That is his fault. He chose to grab the crate, but then again I don't want to have people getting hurt while watching them. It didn't rest well with my conscience or my memories as I remembered what had happened to my family.

I stood up in the small space and quickly lept, grabbing the back of the soldier's uniform, while dragging him away from the tall pile, just before the crates fell down on top of where the soldier just was. I dragged the soldier that had frozen in fear through the crates, toward the front of the hanger where I set him down, ignoring the several eyes that were looking at me, before turning tail to head back into the crates. As I turned to leave them, I heard someone approaching me. My ears laid flat against my head, while my tail twitched as they slowly came up to me.

I sighed as I turned and looked up to find Ratchet standing over me, crouching down with his servo out for me to hop onto. I looked at him and shook my head as I went ahead to head toward the crates, but something caught my attention as I turned to find Lennox standing in front of me holding a box in his hands out for me. I tilted my head, while studying the man in front of me.

"We want to speak with you, but I understand you need clothes since you've been in this form all night. We were hoping you could answer a few questions for me, and a few others. I understand you don't like to be around a lot of people, but if you answer a few questions for us, I will personally make sure that there is a private room set up where it is nice and quiet." Lennox spoke as he looked at me.

I looked at the box in his hand, slightly curious as to what kind of outfit he brought me, but after looking behind me to see the human soldiers leaving the room with just 3 bots watching, I sighed before nodding my head at the man.

"I am sure Ratchet would be happy to take you somewhere you can eat and get dressed real quickly." Lennox replied with a reciprocative nod, as he gestured to Ratchet who was still waiting for me to hop into his servo. I sighed as I climbed into his servo, before Lennox placed the very same box into the same servo I was sitting in. Using his fingers, he slowly stood up with me while making sure I would end up falling, nor the box as he walked out of the storage hanger and toward another hanger on the opposite side of the court, walking into it, before making sure the doors closed behind him as he set me down on what looked like a newer version of his medical bay. Setting me down in a corner where there was a human bed, he turned and left me there where a plate of human food and a glass of energon sat with the box at my side.

Slowly shifting back into myself, I opened the box to find a black dress with matching underwear and even a bra for me to wear. Along with a pair of fancy sandals to wear with the dress and, wait....a ruby necklace? Was he seriously trying to bribe me? The necklace had three rubies, with white beads on both sides of the three rubies, and then a couple of black onyx beads as well. The chain for the necklace appeared to be white steel, as I studied it, making me very uncomfortable. I changed into the outfit, leaving the necklace in the box, planning to return it to Lennox as I drank the energon and ate a very small amount of the human food. It was really hard for me to willingly eat already prepared food due to how much I was used to my food being poisoned. Not to mention I mainly had a taste for meat over anything else.

After eating a small amount of the food, I looked up to see a human walking into the room. Agent Fowler approached me as he saw me sitting on the medical bed with my food.

"We are ready when you are. Where's the necklace?" He asked as he looked at me.

"I don't like feeling bribed. Half of me wants to reject the idea of the meeting over all and go back to the crates. I could easily find a hiding place, and you guys would never find me unless I let you. Humans, nothing but Earth's version of Decepticons, especially military or government personnel." I replied as I set the plate aside and stood up, handing him the necklace. He seemed very hesitant as he saw the necklace in my hand, before waving the necklace off as he rejected taking the necklace, but I merely hissed, causing him to quickly grab the necklace out of my hand and leave the room. I sat there watching the human sized door close behind him, before I looked up around the room, finding several ledges up high that looked more than inviting to hide up in. I looked around me, before taking my shoes off, climbing up along the side of a counter with only my claws on my hands visible to allow me to climb up with ease along the side of the tons of large tables, or what the Cybertronains called berths as I climbed up the side of one, reaching the top with ease. I pulled myself up onto the berth, before jumping for another item, where I was able to climb up a set of shelves with tons of tools that were big enough for Ratchet to use, including several wrenches of all sorts of sizes, from gigantic to even human sized wrenches. I climbed up the shelf, making sure to not leave any marks in the material from my claws, before I reached the very top shelves that sat above the height of Optimus. I pulled myself up onto the shelf, before curling up on it, where I would be out of view of anyone. Letting my hands shift back, I laid my hands under my head as a somewhat comfortable pillow as I laid there, determined to avoid having to answer any questions that they were wanting answers to.

I slowly started to drift to sleep, before I heard the sound of heavy, Cybertronian footsteps approaching the closed doors to the medical bay. I looked over the ledge, knowing they wouldn't think to look up first thing while looking for me. Though, I am willing to believe that they were upset with me for not showing up as they wanted me to. I didn't care if I starved up here. I was not going to come down, anytime soon. As much as I liked the natural aspect of this island, I hated that the whole place continuously brought me down memory lane, whether it was good or bad.

I heard the doors slam open, startling me a little, even if I was expecting it, before finding a very angry Ratchet walking in with both Optimus and the familiar police colored bot as they walked in. I watched as Ratchet approached the medical bed, where he left me, before crouching down and examining the food that was left, and finding the box with the shoes inside.

"She took off!" Ratchet cried as he stood up and turned to look around the room. I quickly ducked back over the shelf, moving to a darker area, where I could look over without worry of him looking up and seeing me as much, not that I believed he would suspect me high above them. I sat there and looked down at them.

"We need to find her, before someone hurts her, including herself." the unknown bot spoke.

"We will find her, but I understand that this girl seems to be filled with tramas we have yet to know of. I am disappointed that she didn't come to the meeting, but at the same time I don't believe she is gonna run and try to leave the island. She will still be somewhere on the island. When she is ready, she will reveal herself." Optimus spoke.

I looked down, kinda feeling sorry for worrying them, but as he said, I didn't feel ready yet to face them, and honestly I didn't think I would ever be ready. I curled up on the shelf, feeling sleep overcome me as I hid there on the dark shelf.

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