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Rhiannon's pov

Caden stared at me like I was crazy. I knew it was hard for him to hear me say what I said at that very moment but I had to. I didn't want anyone to get hurt because of me. I had to do this. I had been planning this while I was silent. I made up--

" why...why do you want to leave" Caden interrupted my thoughts

He sounded broken. A tear slipped down my cheek. I couldn't look at him. It was my fault that everything was happening...I had to leave no matter what.

" Okay..." He said after I didn't answer him

Okay? Did he just say okay? He's not trying to stop me. Well, I am glad he's not but I thought...nevermind.

" yes, I leave tomorrow so you can tell everyone." I waited for a while but he didn't say anything

" Goodnight" I said and left the hospital


I was really exhausted from all that had happened. I took a shower , ate and went to bed.

After hours of sighing and turning, I got off the bed and went to the kitchen. I took out the wine I hid in the oven I don't use and took a glass. I opened it with a knife as I couldn't find the wine bottle opener. I poured some in the glass and picked it up. I kept staring at it and thinking whether to drink it or not.

" Being indecisive, are we?" I turned quickly and my dad came into view

" just like you were when you saw me beat up your mom" he smirked disgustingly

" You are weak Rhia" he said

" Do not call me that!" I hissed

I drank the wine and gulped all down hard. I poured some into the glass again.

He started walking closer.

I picked the knife from the counter and hid it at my back.

" leave Daniel, Caden and his family out of this" I pointed the sharp edge to his neck as he got closer

He put his hands up in surrender and drank the wine from my glass. He laughed and Daniel walked into view too.

" That was just a scare sweety" Daniel said

" are you serious right now? How...could you.." I scoffed

" Don't worry, we don't plan on killing anyone yet" Daniel said with a grin on his face

I shook my head in disbelief and placed the knife down.

" easy now daughter... I wanted you to know what I am capable of" my dad said

" well, I know now. Are you satisfied?" I asked irritated

" we're just getting started" Daniel said

" Okay...can you please leave now? I need to get some sleep." I said

" we will will have to come with us." Dad said

" what? For what?"

" no questions, we scared you for a reason, come with us or we can go and blow up that damn hospital" Daniel blurted out looking furious

I had no choice than to go with them. What were they up to? Why can't they just leave me alone? I decided to leave quietly with them.

" good girl" Daniel whispered and bit my ear while wrapping his arm around me

I slapped him and bit his shoulder.

" ahhh...bitch!" He screamed in pain

I walked away from him and sat in the car parked outside.

I kept staring out the window. My dad was driving the car so I sat in the back seat with Daniel. I was wondering why they didn't drug me or anything.

" Daniel, tie her up, tape her mouth and blindfold her. I know how my daughter can be." My dad said from the front

Daniel did as he was told.

After a long while, the car came to a stop. I didn't move. They didn't take the rope or anything off me. I sat in the car for what felt like an hour. The car door opened and someone pulled me out.

" Daniel?" I asked but it sounded muffled

" hm" He responded

I waited for a while and he took only the tape off.

I let of a breath and walked with Daniel silently. We went up a flight of stairs.I heard a door creak and I was seated in a couch...bed? I don't know. I heard the door close.

" Rhiannon?" Daniel called

"Yes, can you please take these off?" I looked in the direction where I heard the voice from.

" I am going to give you two choices to choose, you get married to me willingly..."


"Two, I make you my wife forcefully" he ended

" are you insane Daniel?" I screamed

" yes I am! For you! I want you and you're mine!" He said

" so what's it gonna be? One or tw-"

" go fuck yourself!" I cut him off

" don't make me do this Rhiannon" he held my neck aggressively

He took the blindfold off.

I spat on his face. Yeah. Take that sucker. Hehe.
He closed his eyes and wiped his face with his hand. He slapped my left cheek with the back of his left hand which made my head turn.

He picked me up threw me on the bed. I am certain I am on a bed now.

He climbed on top of me and kissed me while holding my chin. I couldn't do a thing because I was tied up. He covered my nose with a cloth and drugged me. I don't know what he gave me but I was weak. I didn't go unconscious. I just couldn't move a muscle.

He took of the rope and smiled at me.

" you called this for yourself Rhiannon" he said

" Daniel...what doing?"

" doing what I have always wanted to do"

He took of my shirt slowly and then my pants. He started kissing me again. I tried to stop him but I couldn't. My body wouldn't let me. I knew what he was going to do.

I was hopeless because I knew no one was there to save me.

Daniel is so wicked...omg like awww....poor Rhiannon.

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