He likes her

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The morning was very cool for me because I had already planned things out. I was going to break up with Lisa and hook up with Rhiannon. I didn't want to hurt Lisa so I figured it would be better if I ended things earlier since I don't want to be named a cheater.

I woke up quite early because I wanted to give Rhiannon a ride to school. I walked out only to see some weird guy with her . I followed them to a book shop where they got down and started acting like a couple. They took half an hour in the book shop. They once again came out holding hands and laughing hard.

"Did she have to lie? I know for sure you don't have a brother! Why?" I groaned and hit the steer.

I followed them and this time they went to school. I got to my class quickly while monitoring her. After  lunch, I called Lisa aside and explained things to her , I made it clear to her that I didn't mean to hurt her but she seemed hurt and told me I would regret it. I knew something like that would happen but I had already made a decision.

After school, Lisa came running by to invite me to go out with her and her friends but I paid no attention because Rhiannon was passing by. She noticed I was staring and quickly looked away. She took out her phone and started looking around and there , I knew she was looking for the weird guy called Daniel or whatever.

I run up to her and pulled her into the car after she tried to bring the weird guy up. I drove to a place far away to confess to her there. I asked her who Daniel was many times but she refused to answer which made me shout at her. She started feeling uneasy and I knew she was having a panic attack just like Valia normally does.

Valia was kidnapped once and the gunshot sounds and torture she went through comes to her all the time. So I knew how to handle a panic attack. She was fine in no time and we went home not forgetting to tell her I broke up with Lisa. She kept quiet throughout the drive.

She got really angry when I told her about my feelings for her and my break up with Lisa.At least I knew that Daniel was like a brother to her but I had to find out about his feelings for my girl. I mean she'll be mine soon.

That night, after Rhiannon pushed me out, I met with Daniel at the front door.

"Caden Stevens? I'm surprised, what's your duty here?" Daniel asked jokingly.

"Came to drop Rhiannon off. I live right there." I said and pointed my hand to the house next to Rhiannon's.

"Oh okay, I was worried about her so I wanted to make sure she's fine. I was supposed to bring her home." He explained making his way to Rhiannon's door.

He knocked and I quickly left the place not wanting to cause any chaos.

I felt really guilty about what I did but I quickly started searching about Daniel. I looked for people to monitor him too.  I took his number and scheduled to meet him Saturday afternoon at the coffee shop and he agreed.


I couldn't sleep properly on Friday night because I was curious to know how Daniel feels about Rhiannon and she hadn't replied my text and she wasn't picking my calls so I decided to leave her alone.

The afternoon was taking too long to arrive so I sat in front of the clock and waited. I don't know why my curiosity gets to me so bad. I kept looking at the wrist watch and clock at the same time. The watch was 1 minute late so I kept waiting.


I took the phone and the text was from Daniel. -let's meet right now, I got a shifted schedule-

I didn't waste time at all so I got up and drove to the coffee shop. He was already there. I went in and sat down.

" Hello Stevens, what's up with the meeting?" He said in a funny tone.

" Call me by my first name." I said in a serious tone.

"Okay, chill. I'm listening ,you called for the me..." He started ,sipping his cup of coffee first.

"What are your feelings for Rhiannon?" I cut him off going straight to the point.

"Genuine feelings" He said laughing.

"I'm serious. Do you like her ? Maybe not just like a friend." I said in a more serious tone.

He noticed my seriousness and leaned over the table and looked at me. I lost patience and started clenching my jaw as he started looking at me in a weird and uncomfortable way.

" So what if I do?" He asked raising his eyebrow and this time in a serious voice.

I munched a fist and looked at him angrily. He didn't say he likes her but his actions looked like so . Just as I tried to calm down, he said something.

" I like her and she'll be mine." He said smirking.

I hit him hard on the cheek with a blow and he fell on the floor with a bleeding lip. He touched his lip and got up , he held my shirt and the owner of the shop came out and told us to leave. He stumped out but I made sure to apologize to the shop owner and everyone present.

I sat in the car angrily. I increased my speed and got home in no time. I was going to go to Rhiannon's place but I saw Daniel's car parked in front of the house. I went back to my place and shut the door hard.

How could he think of Rhiannon so lowly? He has been hooking up with a lot of girls and was planning to take advantage of her too? I saw everything on the web. Stupid things he has been doing all over the internet. He looks gentle of course, only in front of Rhiannon. I was really angry that I broke the flower vase.

"Someone's angry."

I raised my head to see Valia standing with my parents at the entrance.

"Valia?" I questioned in surprise as she was the only person I least expected to come here.

She was scared of the man who tortured her so she never wanted to return. I run to hug her, I raised her and she started shouting 'put me down'.

"I'm not 12 anymore, I'm 16." She said as I put her down.

I laughed and she giggled. I ordered food for dinner and we ate while talking about my parents lie. They didn't want me to know Valia would be coming with them.

After dinner,  I went up to my room. Apart from my family, there was one person who I cared about very much now. I keep thinking of her every single night. But Valia, what if the man comes back? This time I won't allow her to suffer. I was only 16 then, I'll kill him this time if he tries anything funny.

Hmm. I thought Daniel was a cool guy. I'm really worried about Valia now. Who dared to disturb her?🥺🥺🥺💔💔😭😭

Please vote and comment for me. What should we do about Valia's culprit?


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