The Price

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Anger and fury fill me.

Y/N: "You won't lay a hand on her."

Salem: "Watch me."

She makes a sword and rams it through my stomach. I cough out blood with pain consuming my torso.

Ruby: "Now you die!!!"

I watch as Salem deflects Ruby's attack before hoisting her into the air by her throat.

Salem: "Die."

Y/N "Ruuuubbbbyyyy!!!!!"

I grab the sword trying to yank it out.

Ruby: "Y/N."

I look to see a tear runs down her cheek.

Ruby: "I'm sorry."

My world shatters as she's impaled by her own weapon. Wrath now consumes me as lightning crackles to the point the sky darkens and the ground rumbles. I effortlessly tear the sword out of me leaping to my feet.

Y/N: "I'll kill you. I'll fucking kill you!!!!"

I get in a runner's stance. The ground cracks as I launch myself towards her. As I mindlessly attack her I replay what just happened. How I failed to protect Ruby. I wish I could take it back. Sadness fills my being. But then an idea hits me. I can take it back. But if I do, it won't end well. Which do I choose?

Y/N: "I'll do it. For Ruby."

I kick Salem into a building impaling her on a rebar. I then get on all fours looking into the distance.

Y/N: "Gotta go fast. Faster than ever before. Faster than time."

3rd POV

Y/N cranks his speed to the very max. Veins pop out as his muscles constrict. Lightning courses through his eyes as he finally takes off. Instantly the sound barrier is broken severely shaking the area. He pants as he pushes his speed well beyond its limits. The area flies past him quickly becoming nothing but a massive blur. Getting higher we see him becoming so fast he appears as a single white line around the planet. 

Y/N: "Must go faster. For Ruby."

Lightning surrounds him. His entire body now flickers in and out of reality. Going to the oceans we see them now parting as all the wind in the world ceases. With a scream of anger Y/N pushes his speed into overdrive. 

The world freezes. It then moves in reverse. Crumbled buildings repair themselves as fallen people rise back up. Explosions are undone repairing the damage. When things are right he slides to a stop seeing Salem about to skewer Ruby.

Y/N: "Let go of her!!!!!!!"

He zips to her with the impact instantly evaporating her into nothingness. With her gone the sky returns to normal. But as Ruby recovers she sees lightning coursing over Y/N as he falls to his knee. She rushes to his side.

Ruby: "What's happening?"

Y/N: *panting* "I went fast. Faster than time itself to save you. And now I'm paying for it."

His body slowly fades from existence. This makes Ruby start to cry.

Ruby: "Please don't leave me."

He cups her cheek wiping away her tears.

Y/N: "Please don't cry. I hate seeing the woman I love crying."

This makes her crying intensify.

Y/N: "I love you Ruby. Forever and always~"

He fully fades out of existence. Ruby falls to her knees crying her heart out.

Ruby: "Y/N."

She lifts her head screaming in anguish.


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