Meet The Family

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I frantically comb my hair trying to fix it up. I smile seeing it neatly combed. But groan as it explodes into a shaggy mess.

Y/N: "Dangit."

I shrug giving up trying to control my hair. With nothing else left to do I knock on Ruby's door. It opens revealing Ruby is casual clothing.

 It opens revealing Ruby is casual clothing

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Y/N: "Woah. You look good."

She looks to the side with some red in her cheeks.

Ruby: "You ready?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

I lead us into Vale. When we reach Sunset Avenue I see Ruby looking up.

Ruby: "Big house."

Y/N: "And all paid for by the city."

She look at me.

Ruby: "How?"

Y/N: "Ex hero, remember?"

She scratches the back of her head.

Ruby: "Right. Forgot."

I ring the doorbell. Not even a second later a puff of black smoke erupts.

Alice: "Big brother!!!!"

She wraps her arms around lifting me into a hug.

Y/N: "Hello Alice."

Alice: "Why didn't you tell me you were coming over?"

Y/N: "I wanted to surprise you guys."

She looks at me smiling.

Alice: "Well I'm certainly surprised."

She sets me down.

Alice: "Come on. Everyone's gonna be so excited to see you."

We walk inside and to the very top floor.

Alice: "Everyone, look who's here!!!"

My siblings all look at me.

Y/N: "Hey guys."

I brace as my siblings surround me. My oldest brother gets me in a headlock before giving me a noogie.

Sam: "Long time no see baby brother. You been staying out of trouble?"

I vibrate through his grip straightening out my clothes.

Y/N: "Yes. Have you?"

He looks to the side crossing his arms.

Alice: "He got grounded again."

Y/N: "What for this time?"

Cody: "He destroyed a cop car again."

Y/N: "That's twice."

Sam: "It wasn't entirely my fault. My opponent was really tough. So I figured I needed bigger fists."

Cody: "Always the trouble maker."

Y/N: "You're one to talk Cody. If I remember correctly, you're the one who always raided the pantry."

Cody: "Not my fault I get the munchies. Mom and dad should really invest in better locks."

Alice: "What's the point when you can just eat through them?"

Mom: "Is that who I think it is?"

I smile seeing mom walking out of the kitchen. She hugs me deeply. 

Mom: "It's good to see you my sweet boy."

Y/N: "You too."

I break the hug.

Y/N: "Where's father?"

Mom: "Out on a mission. But he's due back any minute now."

Her eyes fall on Ruby making her smile.

Mom: "Who's your friend?"

Ruby: "Hello. My name's Ruby, Ruby Rose."

She's hugged.

Mom: "Pleasure to meet you."

Alice: *leans whispering* "Is it just me or do you think Y/N's friend looks a little like mom?"

Cody: *whispering* "I noticed that too."

The door opens revealing dad. He looks at me.

Dad: "Y/N. What a surprise."

He lowers his hood making Ruby look at him

Ruby: "Wow. You really take up after your father Y/N."

Sam: "Yep. People often called them twins."

Dad: "So what brings you out this way?"

Y/N: "I wanted you guys to meet my friend Ruby."

He walks to her shaking her hand.

Dad: "Nice to meet you."

Ruby: "Likewise."

Mom: "Well lunch's ready. Shall we eat?"

Alice: "Yeah. Let's eat."

After a hearty meal me and Ruby start to take our leave.

Ruby: "It was nice meeting you guys."

Mom: "Same. Hope we can meet again."

Dad puts his hand on my shoulder looking me dead in the eye.

Dad: "You've got yourself a pretty one. I can't wait till you two get together."

Y/N: "Father!!!"

I turn my back to him and head outside walking away.

Ruby: "Quite a family."

YN: "They're a handful. That's for sure. But I wouldn't trade them for anything."

We reach her dorm.

Ruby: "I had fun."

She kisses my cheek.

Ruby: "Till next time Y/N."

She heads into her dorm. Meanwhile I calmly walk into Beacon's courtyard. When I'm at the center I scream in joy running all over the place. I stop and just speak without thinking.

Y/N: "Oum I love her."

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