Highway Showdown

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Into the next semester I find myself walking down the streets of Vale looking for some action. It comes in the form of a woman screaming. I run there to see a stray Paladin running down the street. I narrow my eyes running after it. I get led to the highway where I tackle the Paladin. We go over the railing falling onto the cold hard concrete. We both get to our feet eyeing each other.

Y/N: *echoing* "Who are you?"

Paladin: "That's not important."

It rushes at me. I easily step to the side dodging it. I backhand it sending it into a highway pillar. It keeps going, going through another pillar before cracking a third one.

Y/N: "Give up, you can't touch me."

Paladin: "Smug asshole. Try this on for size."

It holds out its hand. Missiles are fired heading right for me. I roll my eyes ready to dodge. But the missiles are surrounded by light and move far faster than any missile should.

Y/N: "Not good."

I kick my speed up as the missiles come within arm's length of me. I twist to the side dodging the first missile. The second missile gets a hair width from hitting my chest. With a roll I'm spared. But this allows a third missile to be lined up with my face. I spin onto my opposite knee dodging the missile. But the fourth and final missile hits me dead center rocketing me backwards. It then explodes sending me flying into a highway pillar.

Paladin: "Bullseye."

I fall onto my face as a groan of pain escapes me. I look at my chest to see a massive burn mark which's bleeding like a garden hose.

Paladin: "How does it feel? Finally meeting your match?"

I look at the paladin with eyes of hate.

Y/N: "There ain't noting like me, except me."

I force myself to my feet clenching my fists.

Paladin: "You've got grit. Sadly it's just not enough."

The Paladin sends out a right hook. 

Voice: "No!!!!"

Its arm is sliced off making it back up. I look and smile seeing Ruby. I then wince falling onto my face as the world goes black.

3rd POV

Y/N passes out as Ruby cocks back Crescent Rose.

Ruby: "Prepare to die robot."

Paladin: "Great, a child is gonna stop me."

She smiles bursting into rose petals. Like an expert she uses her speed to zip around the Paladin delivering deep cuts to its armor. Coming back into focus she delivers one final swing. The Paladin's armor groans before falling into tiny pieces. This puts its operator on full display.

Ruby: "It's over."

He sighs raising his hands.

Man: "I surrender."

She binds the criminal and places a call to the police. But turning around her eyes slightly widen.

Ruby: "It's you."

Her eyes widen more as the hero settles revealing their true identity.

Ruby: "Y/N."

She runs to him flipping him onto his back. This presents her his wound which's still bleeding.

Ruby: "Let's get you outta here."

Throwing his arm over her neck she drags him to his dorm. From there she tends to his wound before letting him rest. As he does she stares at him.

Ruby: "So it was you. Saving us."

She smiles.

Ruby: "Guess we owe you a debt."

She lightly kisses his forehead. This makes his eyes open.

Y/N: "Where am I?"

He sits up locking eyes with Ruby.

Y/N: *internally* "Crap."

Speeding Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن