Forever Fall Forest

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A couple weeks later I walk with the other students through the Forest of Forever Fall. As we walk Glynda goes over our assignment.

Glynda: "Yes I know the Forever Fall Forest is beautiful. But we're not here to sightsee. Your job is to collect a jar of red sap for professor Peach. Meanwhile my job is to make sure nothing bad happens to any of you. At four you're to meet back here so that we can return to Beacon. Stay by your teammates for the forest is teeming with Grimm. Good luck."

I head off to collect my sap. As it fills I receive a tap on my shoulder.

Y/N: "Hey."

Ruby: "Hi. Think you can help me?"

She points to the sap.

Ruby: "It's a bit higher than I can reach."

I chuckle silently.

Y/N: "Sure."

I take her jar and hold it to the sap.

Ruby: "So... whatcha been up to?"

Y/N: "Bout the same as everyone else I suppose. Just trying to survive school."

She giggles, still cute.

Y/N: "What about you?"

Ruby: "Same thing. But I admit there's something that's been at the forefront of my mind."

Y/N: "If I may ask."

She smiles with some red hitting her cheeks.

Ruby: "A boy. A cute one if you ask me."

Y/N: "Tell me about him."

She opens her mouth to speak when we hear a womanly scream. We look to see one of Cardin's teammates running to us. Looking we see large gashes in his armor.

Yang: "What happened?"

Russel: "Ursa. Really, really big Ursa."

I narrow my eyes. Crouching down I run to where he came from. Getting there I see Cardin about to be beheaded. I clench my fists as lightning crackles around me.

3rd POV

Cardin stares in horror as the Ursa Major's claws come in to take off his head. But the Ursa Major roars as its head is violently crushed to powder. Its body falls down to reveal Y/N who's vibrating so fast he's appearing as nothing but a blur.

Cardin: "What are you?"

Y/N: *echoing* "Someone who took pity on you. Don't make me regret it."

With a turn he instantly vanishes leaving only a streak of lightning. All the color leaves Cardin as he faints from fear.


I stop at Beacon emitting a sigh. Looking at my clothes I see massive burn holes. 

Y/N: "I need to find a solution to my clothing problem."

After a quick change I head to the local workshop and set to work. Roughly three hours later I smile looking over my new clothes. They're regular clothes but are heavily infused with fire dust to prevent friction burn. Slipping them on I walk into the Emerald Forest.

Y/N: "Time to test them out."

I get into a runner's stance. Looking into the distance I dig my feet into the ground. Lightning cracks as I explode into the distance. The world blurs past as I look down at my clothes. I smile seeing them holding out. I slide to a stop calming down. Looking at my clothes I see them unscathed.

Y/N: "Oh yeah. These'll do."

That Friday I find myself walking down the streets of Vale. Looking around I see everyone setting up for something.

Weiss: "The Vytal Festival, what a wonderful event this' gonna be."

Ruby: "What gives Weiss? I've never seen you smile this much. It's honestly kinda creepy."

Weiss: "It's creepy you're not smiling. An entire festival dedicated to all the cultures of the world. There's gonna be everything from parades to a full scale tournament. Oh the planning involved is enough to make me wanna faint."

Yang: "And now tournaments are boring."

Weiss: "Oh be quiet."

Ruby: "Explain why we're here on a Friday."

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