News Report

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The video buffers before displaying a feed of a woman.

Lisa: "Good morning people of Vale. My name's Lisa Lavender and you're tunning into VNN. Last night a standoff occurred in the heart of Vale. But in a shocking twist when the first shot was fired it was already over. Police at the scene report not receiving a single bullet. Instead all the robbers laid on the ground beaten by an unknown force."

We see pictures of the aftermath. We then cut back to Lisa.

Lisa: "Cops are currently investigating the unknown force. No reports have been made so far."

She holds her ear.

Lisa: "I'm now getting an update. Apparently we just got a leaked video by an anonymous source claiming they caught what happened on video."

We cut to a small video of the criminals firing at the cops. Then a stray lightning bolt, or me, comes through instantly taking the perps to the ground. The others stare in awe while I smile internally. We once more cut back to Lisa. On her left is a freeze frame of the lightning bolt which barely shows a blur.

Lisa: "What is this stray force? Is it even human? Stay with us as we try to answer these questions."

The feed ends as Weiss lowers her scroll. 

Ruby: "So what do you guys think?"

Jaune: "I think it's here to help."

Nora: "But is it even human?"

Yang: "Of course it isn't. Lightning can't be sentient."

Pyrrha: "I don't know. We live in a world where magic used to exist. So something like that doesn't seem too unreal." 

Weiss: "Don't be silly. I'm sure it's nothing more than a person with a unique semblance."

The bell rings dismissing us for the day. Some time later I find myself watching as a fast talking man zips around the classroom as a blur. The other repeatedly turn their heads trying to keep up. I simply move my eyes.

Oobleck: "Yes this was all prior to the Faunus War. At this point man was quite persistent on centralizing the Faunus population of Menagerie. Now I know these events might sound like old news. But it's important to know that these events are actually still relatively recent. The repercussions of which can still be felt to this very day. Onto another topic. Who among you have been discriminated because of your Faunus heritage?"

Several raise their hand.

Oobleck: "Simply dreadful. Remember kids that it's this kind of hate that gives way to war. Just look at the White Fang. Now which of you can tell me the turning point of the Faunus War?"

Weiss: "The battle at Millennium Cove."

Oobleck: "Correct. And what was the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune and his forces? Jaune?"

He looks at his notes.

Jaune: "Hearing."

Oobleck: "A reasonable answer, but not the one I'm looking for. Cardin?"

Cardin: "It's less of a hassle to train an animal."

I grit my teeth standing up. I sweep my leg taking out his chair leg. Sitting back down he falls down slamming his chin onto the desk. We all laugh as a tooth falls onto the desk.

Cardin: *stands up lisping* "Who's the son of bitch that did that?"

Oobleck: "Sit down Cardin. For all we know it was karma."

A vein pops out of his head as he takes his seat. I snicker thanking Oum for giving me my ability.

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