Combat Gossip

115 5 0

3rd POV

Bullets fly towards the cops. They all dive behind cover bracing for chaos. But instead of bullets they hear shouting followed by heavy thuds. When nothing at all is heard they peek over their cover. Their eyebrows raise seeing every shooter on the ground holding themselves in pain while groaning.

Cop: "What the hell happend?"

Cop2: "How should I know?"

Cop3: "What the heck happened?"

Criminal: *in severe pain* "I don't know. But it feels like I got hit by a damn semi."

They all voice a pained noise of agreement.

Cop4: "Suppose we should go ahead and round them up."

Without another word they pick up and arrest all the would be shooters. After that they investigate the area for clues.

Cop5: "Over here chief!"

He walks over to her.

Chief: "Whatcha got?"

She points to the severe burn marks littering the area.

Chief: "I dread knowing what made those."


I peek over the dumpster as cops surround the area. I retake cover looking at my bare feet.

Y/N: "So long expensive shoes."

Cop: "They lead this way!!"

I shoot to my feet and run away. Reaching my dorm I fall face first onto the bed passing out. The next day I yawn trying to stay awake.

Y/N: "Stupid seven hours of sleep. I need more."

I emit another yawn when I hear something interesting.

Jaune: "You guys hear what happened last night?"

Ren: "You mean the shootout? It was all over the news."

Blake: "But it was kinda weird."

Yang: "No kidding. Twenty men brought to the ground in less than a second."

Nora: "What do you guys think happened?"

Weiss: "Who knows."

Pyrrha: "But it's kinda weird."

Ruby: "How so?"

Pyrrha: "The cops said they were being fired at. But none of the bullets landed. It's like they disappeared into thin air. It sounds eerily similar to what happened at initiation."

Ren: "You think there might be a connection?"

Pyrrha: "Maybe."

Glynda: "The bell has rung. Meaning it's time to begin the lesson."

We all face forward. A couple seconds later I watch as Jaune gets manhandled by a punk named Cardin. I say manhandled but he's not half bad. Only problem is that Cardin sneaks in cheap shots preventing Jaune from getting in a good hit. Jaune gets knocked to his knees when Cardin raises his mace. Thankfully Glynda stops the match.

Glynda: "That's enough Cardin."

He lowers his mace as Glynda walks past them.

Glynda: "As you can all see Jaune's aura is in the red. This would mean he's incapable of fighting further and the winner would be called."

She looks at Jaune smiling.

Glynda: "You did a good job. Keep up your training."

Her gaze switches to Cardin. She adopts a less than happy look.

Glynda: "But you. You should be ashamed. Resorting to cheap shots. That's no way for a Huntsman to act. Be better."

He only rolls his eyes.

Cardin: "Whatever."

I grit my teeth standing up. Going to Cardin I bring my foot back. I then send it forward into his not so happy place. Sitting back down he falls to his knees crying like a schoolgirl. I laugh at his torture. The bell then rings dismissing us to lunch. Stacking my plate I go to sit down.

Y/N: "Mind if I join you guys?"

Yang: "By all means."

I sit between her and Ruby. As I munch on a corn on a cob Weiss gets our attention.

Weiss: "Hey guys, the news is going over last night's incident."

We huddle up as she clicks on the app.

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