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January 1st 2022


A beautiful smile graced Tiffany's face as she looked up at all the fireworks exploding in the sky."LIBE" she heard someone shouting her call name.Turning around with the smile still on her face she was met with the flash of a camera."You so beautiful girl",her sister melanie hyped her up as she showed her the picture.

The picture was a little blurry but it still captured the moment beautifully. "Awww" Tiffany exclaimed collecting the phone. "Air drop this to me" she said while pulling out her own phone.

The two girls stood in a sea of people watching the sky light up.It was a new year , which meant I was a new beginning.They were blessed to have the privilege to live another year and hopefully do everything they didn't get to do yet.

"What's yo' new years resolution" Melanie asked playing with her sister's braids. Taken aback by the question , Tiffany took a minute to think.

"uhh I honestly don't know...maybe find happiness even if its just for a short while" she said looking back up into the sky.

"yeah me too"Melanie answered doing the same.

Though she was still young , Tiffany longed for someone to love her.Yeah she had her sister but she craved a different type of love. The type of love where you smile so much your face hurts , or you're so happy people envy you. She just needed love.

"What tim-"

Just as tiffany was about to ask the time , multiple rounds of gun shots rang off. Causing the crowd to go crazy. "Com'on lets go" Melanie said reaching out for her sister's hand.

"Damn these niggas always gotto ruin the moment" Tiffany mumbled to her self.

Hand in hand they walked home having no idea the horror they were about to encounter.


"Coming in just now , a woman was just find brutally stabbed to death. Now dead is 37 year old Mariah Bradford. She reportedly was found by one of her daughters and eyes witnesses are saying the situation started after an argument occurred between the woman and her ex boyfriend.Police are now looking for the suspect."

"Nigga turn that shit down" David ( DD) shouted as he rolled up a blunt. "Yoo shut up" Ethan ( Notti ) replied throwing the remote at him.Laughing it off , david continued to roll his joint.

"Damn it hasn't even been a full hour since the new year started & we already got a murder." Ethan said flapping down on the couch.

"nigga I know shit is crazyyyy" David responded putting the blunt to his lips."Thats why you gotta be careful , cause look who killed her , ha' ex boyfriend , the person she shared moments with , shit is crazy broo"

"I got you bro , imma keep it safe" Ethan said putting his hand out to get dapped up.

"on god , it's just you & me" David said pulling his brother in to a hug.

"AND ME NIGGA" they heard darrian shout from the kitchen causing them to laugh nonstop.

"Its just us"

𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐋' 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃 ; notti osama Where stories live. Discover now