chapter sixteen | mad scientists

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mad scientists

┏━━━✦❘༻✶༺❘✦━━━┓CHAPTER SIXTEENmad scientists┗━━━✦❘༻✶༺❘✦━━━┛

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(episode three - power broker pt. 2)

DIANA KNEW THE voice of Sharon Carter. She knew Sharon's face. But the woman stepping out of the shadows now could've been a whole different person. This wasn't her spy next door, this wasn't the woman who got an electroshock collar off of her. She was dark, broken. It was clear to Diana that the past few years haven't been kind to the fellow blonde.

"Drop it, Zemo," was the first thing Sharon said. She stepped closer, pulling her hood off her head as the street light illuminated her deadly expression, her gun never straying its aim for Zemo.

Diana, who wanted to puke for doing it, stepped in the way, her hands raised. Sharon moved to shoot but Diana deactivated her Nano mask, pulling it off. She opened her mouth to plead, to apologize, she felt disgusted with herself for defending Zemo but unfortunately, they still needed him.

"Sharon?" Bucky asked.

Sharon drew closer, not even looking at Diana. Her eyes had a murderous glint, probably due to the fact that her life was ruined when she was trying to help them clear Bucky's name after Zemo trashed it even further.

"You cost me everything," Sharon spoke in a low voice, her anger laced with every word, sending a chill down Diana's spine.

"Sharon, wait," Diana spoke up, wincing as she did, because immediately after, the murderous glare was sat directly on her.

"Someone recreated the super soldier serum, and Zemo had a lead," Sam explained as he got closer, an arm out and in the way of Diana's middle in a protective stance.

"That explains why you guys are here," Sharon nodded, an eyebrow raised, "and why Selby's dead."

"So what are you doing here?" Bucky asked, a hint of suspicion was in his voice, though Diana chalked it up to curiosity, it was an odd place for Diana to see Sharon in.

"I stole Steve's shield, remember?" Sharon asked, she looked over at Diana and Sam, tilting her head, "I also took the wings and suit for your asses so that you could save his ass from his ass, unlike you, I didn't have the Avengers to back me up, so, I'm off the grid in Madripoor."

"Hey don't blow that smoke at us, we were on the run, too," Sam frowned.

"Was— is, big difference," Sharon retorted, "I don't speak to my family anymore, I can't, my own father doesn't know where I am."

Diana felt her heart clench at the words. Sure, she didn't have a father to rely on growing up, but she understood that others had great fathers who took care of them properly. She'll never get that experience, but it doesn't make her hurt any less from seeing Sharon's pain.

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