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(Edit: im so sorry for not putting warnings before! Here they are now: blood, death, torture? Graphic violence and nightmares)

(Edit: im so sorry for not putting warnings before! Here they are now: blood, death, torture? Graphic violence and nightmares)┏━━━✦❘༻✶༺❘✦━━━┓JUSTIFIED!prologue┗━━━✦❘༻✶༺❘✦━━━┛

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THE SNOW UNDER her feet didn't seem to crunch the way Diana last remembered as she navigated her way through the trees. Her gun was tight in her grip as she constantly checked over her shoulder. Shadows lurked in the bright moonlight that had an ominous glow over the snow. The wind howled around her but she could hear her name carried through it.

The only thing is that she could hear it from all directions. Different voices crying for her to help them. Her heartbeat quickened as she picked up her pace, the snow still sounded weird, then suddenly way wetter than what was normal.

Diana looked down to see a crimson puddle and a bloodied knife in her hands. Or actually, the handle of the knife, the blade was buried deep in her gut. When she looked up, she saw herself but she was different. She couldn't see anything from her irises other than a yellow glow. Her mouth was twisted in a cruel smile and Diana could only watch as she twisted the knife.

She fell to her knees in the snow but she couldn't feel the cold.

From the tree line, she saw Bucky enter the clearing that the two were in. His hair was long like she saw that morning, whipping around his head from the harsh wind, it did the same thing to her. He had his arm back, the silver shined like the snow in the moonlight, making the red Soviet star stand out even more than it usually did.

A gun was in his hand as he yelled out a cry of disgust at the sight of this sick and twisted version of her, covered in blood. The cruel version of herself with the glowing eyes bared her teeth in a snarl and Diana saw how sharp they were. A blast of energy knocked the gun out of Bucky's hands.

Diana wanted to yell for him to run but her mouth was full of blood and refused to open. Her jaw wasn't wired shut but her sudden non-verbalness betrayed her. She wanted him to run as far away as possible but for some reason, he charged at the dark beast that wore her face.

It was like she was snatched from her silent stupor. She screamed for him to run, to not engage, to do everything he could to put as much distance between himself and the creature but they fell on deaf ears. What she saw next, was like time slowed so she couldn't miss a second of it.

She cried out when she watched the way the creature who shared her abilities energized her fist and shoved it into Bucky's chest. The sickening crunch of his heart being smashed from inside his body was booming in Diana's ears.

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