marvel shorts part 1/2

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"do you remember that one time?"

justified | mini blurbs

what was diana doing for a six months? well let's find out.

fists of fury

SHE DIDN'T REGISTER that Bucky had thrown a punch at her until after she had instinctively dodged it. The mechanical whirring of his arm from the action was in her ear like a taunting message. Diana narrowed her eye as she crouched down, swiping a leg as she moved so fluidly, she found herself on the other side of the mat. Sweat dripped down her body and found a home in many crevices, her ponytail was loose and hairs stuck everywhere like a wet reminder of its existence, Bucky wasn't too far off.

When his back hit the floor, he smacked it three times, leaving Diana to huff.

"You're going easy on me, Barnes!" She complained as she slumped in disappointment, "cut that shit out, if I can handle fighting you in 2014 I can certainly handle fighting you now."

It was a low blow, she'll admit it, but she hasn't had a super-soldier sparring partner since early 2016 and she didn't want to be rusty. And she certainly didn't want people going easy on her either.

"Okay then, I won't hold back, but that means you can't either, full power, let's go," Bucky held his arms out, "just don't disintegrate me... or rip my heart out of my chest."

Diana shuddered at the horrible memory of her reoccurring nightmare and shook her head as she progressed in hyping herself up for the next round.

"Okay, no disintegration, I can do this," Diana nodded, "okay."

It was like second nature for her, a rock swiftly pulled into her palm and suddenly she was holding a knife. She never kept her path straight, analyzing his stance, she found a method of approach but she knew he was doing it on purpose. Just when he thought she was disarmed, another rock, another knife, this time with a longer and more dull blade, they were sparring, not fighting to the death.

Bucky's face fell into a look of confusion as Diana flitted around him, striking him where she could. She was trying to find a way to get on top and tackle him to the ground but he was too guarded, and far too good at blocking her advances. Everytime a knife clattered to the ground, a new one was in her hand.

She was on her tenth knife before Bucky took a step back.

"How many stones do you have?" He questioned. Diana hoped he didn't expect an answer before she only took his pause as an opportunity to trip him up, tangling up his feet as he toppled over.

Yes, she was falling with him, but the difference was that she had the knife to his neck.

"And I didn't have to use a spec of yellow," she smiled.

Bucky rolled his eyes as she got up, offering a hand to pull him up.

"Yeah, whatever."

unspoken trauma

justified | b. barnes ³Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora