chapter nine | a wrinkle in time

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(edit to add warning: major character death, grief, some fat phobia bc the russos were mean for that)

a wrinkle in time

┏━━━✦❘༻✶༺❘✦━━━┓CHAPTER NINEa wrinkle in time┗━━━✦❘༻✶༺❘✦━━━┛

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THEY SPENT ALL NIGHT trying to figure out times and places for everyone to go to for the stones. Everything was set. 2012, 2013, 2014. Everything was planned to a T, nothing could go sideways. Nothing will go sideways.

The orange light of the morning sun shined down on them like the Earth had hope for the Avengers' plan. Golden rays made golden hues and Diana could swear she was glowing with the excitement of being one step closer to having her family whole again. She barely slept, partly from her nerves and partly because she focused on situating Wanda's things in her room.

They stood in a circle, everyone side by side and Diana felt on top of the world. When she locked eyes with Steve, she knew that the words that would leave his mouth would only uplift her.

"Five years ago, we lost. All of us. We lost friends... We lost family... We lost a part of ourselves, today, we have a chance to take it all back, you know your teams, you know your missions. Get the stones, get them back, one round trip each, no mistakes, no do-overs, most of us are going somewhere we know, but it doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we're gonna win." Steve's speech, his words, brought Diana back to a time in 2015, it seemed to do the same for Steve and Tony when they locked eyes, "Whatever it takes. Good luck."

Diana would rate this speech a 10 out of 10, the ones she witnessed in 2014 and 2015 were lackluster and somehow less desperate than this one, though this one had higher stakes than ever. Despite it all, she knew there was no way she would allow her team to fuck up.

Thor and Rocket on Asgard? This would be perfectly fine.

"He's pretty good at that," Rocket spoke up, talking about the speech. Diana nodded in agreement with the animal, or, not an animal? She's too scared to ask.

"Right?" The excitement was oozing off of Scott, his hands were jittery and he looked like he was about to start bouncing off the walls.

"All right," Tony looked around at the rest of the team, throwing a small smile at Diana once he saw her new gauntlets merged with her suit, "You heard the man, stroke those keys, jolly green."

"Tractors engaged," Bruce confirmed, Diana double-checked her timepiece, she was set for Asgard, 2013, the specified date looked oddly familiar, but she couldn't place what the actual day was since Asgard has a different way of labeling their yearly cycles.

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