PART 2 - #14

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I put my cloak on and passed through the door. She was there waiting for me in a black dress. "Ahh, I see they've taught you well so far. To bad you don't know any of the more powerful spells like me!" She hissed. I rolled my eyes and sat on a chair that appeared next to her. "Lucinda." I said rottenly. She smirked and innocently giggled. "The one and only my dear sister!" She conjured a table full of sweets. There were three dishes all the same, chocolate fudge cupcakes. She took one and pushed the other two in front of me. "Oh don't worry, this test isn't hard. If you really are a PRINCESS like me then they will have taught you safety spells to protect yourself. One is sweet and tasty! The other has a rotten centre with a pinch of... well... you know, POISON!" She spat. Is she really trying to poison me?!

I carefully examined both goods. They were identical. How am I supposed to tell which one is the right cake? I thought long and hard about what Mr Clark had said about my power. The only problem was, I couldn't think of a rhyme! Ugh, what rhymes with poison again?! "Go on! Tick tock!" She encouraged. A thousand thoughts were running through my head, my thinking so muffled that I couldn't think at all. "Erm... I-I really want to survive, hmm....... make the p-p-poison come to life?" I stuttered. A single spark came out of my wand before dimming. "Not so fast girlie! You really thought I'd let you off with your own spells that easily? Of course not! What's the proper poison identification spell? Or should you take a guess? Up to you, but you have 30 seconds before I lose my patience and turn you into a frog!" She cackled. I'm not in a jumpy mood at the moment thank you very much!

I quickly grabbed the cupcake closest to me and took a big bite! It tasted really good. "Well done, you MAY have passed." She said. "Hold up, this one isn't rotten!" I replied. She said that she may have been over dramatic when explaining. One was poisoned but neither were rotten! Now I'd just have to wait.

The poison in one cake was slow, it infected its victim at the touch of the tongue but took ages to show its symptoms. As you could probably tell, this really stressed me out. On the one hand if I told the others what she did and ended up GETTING POISONED, they'd never leave me alone or let me do anything powerful. But if I don't tell them, I don't know what could happen. I'll keep it secret for now and cross that bridge when I come to it. I stood up and grabbed my wand. "Good day my corrupted, psychopath of a sister!" I yelled and walked slowly back to earth. The other three were in their outfits to waiting for me to come so we could go to class.

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