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I got my wand out of my pocket. Every time I said something that rhymed or nearly rhymed, something would happen. What should I try? Let's get a book from the library (class). I was able to sneak over to the main bookcase and took the most powerful book. Unluckily, I was caught. Mr Clark saw me open the book and used magic to pull it out of my hands. He also had the others stood behind him. "Annabelle! What do you think you're doing?! Don't you remember our talk from yesterday?" Mr Clark shouted. Emma had heard me open the door. "You said I was powerful. I don't feel like I'm pushing myself enough with the spells we were practicing so I came to get a book that would be a bit more difficult." He gave me an angry look. "If you were to do anything wrong when casting those spells it could be catastrophic!" He shouted, "Remember to sign in next time you borrow a book!"
"Okay. I promise to sign the borrowing sheet." He smiled and sent us into town to buy ourselves some spell books that were our level. Theo and Nathan bought one on brewing, Emma got one about caring for magical creatures and I found one full of advanced spells for beginners.
It was time for class. Mr Clark sent the boys to gather ingredients for a healing potion and he sent Emma to find a glow worm at the park. He let me practice the spells in the book I got but with his supervision. I enjoyed learning advanced spells. It was fun and I was challenging myself. By the time we were all back in class, I had already learned the levitation charm!
"Today is career day! We will be exploring what you can do with your magic after you graduate. We will look at three jobs in particular. Brewery, Enhanced medical skills for mortals, immortals and animals, and finally the job of being a part of the royal guard. Theo and Nathan, you two will be assigned to brewery." They cheered and once again, did their happy dance. "Emma, you will be looking at how to treat injuries for animals and creatures from across magical realms. And Annabelle, you will be looking through self defence and more advanced charms." My face lit up. I was finally able to push myself to my limits! Or so I thought.

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