Chapter 188: Halloween Special, Matias Finds Love?

Start from the beginning

He wished he could be free, live another life, and be able to get away from all of this. He didn't like hurting people, he didn't like what they did, he thought it was completely wrong, and whenever he does something bad, he feels like, he could hear people whispering into his ears, and he could hear the chimes of people whispering in his ear scolding him for everything he does. He sighed sadly, as he pushed those thoughts away. He didn't want to think of any of this, he knew what he needs to do, and he knows what is expected of him. Even though it's things he doesn't want to do but he knew he had to do whatever Zeprhy says, or there would be consequences. Pushing away a piece of his hair, he tried to get his focus on what he needed to do. Looking around he saw the different shops, and he saw all the different faces, and how the people all looked very happy. All the shops were brightly colored, and Eye-popping things would attract people to the store. He didn't really care for all the cutesy things that were being used to attract customers. They had either bright colors, or babyish colors, and he almost rolled his eyes. "I Can't believe people, Actually go within these stores. They Look horrible" He muttered. He strode past all the stores giving his silent judgement, when suddenly

He raised an eye, as he saw The giant Blue cup, with White markings on the rim. In the middle of the cup, The cup had a face, and it had a Cutesy face, It almost looked like one of those cutesy anime faces. Now something about Matias, was he Never had coffee, He never had any caffeine. It might've sounded weird but Zephry never Allowed him to have coffee. He said Cofee, wasn't good. And he should never drink it because it's not good for him, and because of that He always avoided coffee. But Looking inside the shop, and seeing everyone inside looking calm, and some were at tables and drinking their Things, they were calm. And everyone looked like they were having a great time. He looked inside the shop, and he knew he had things he knew he needed to do the things on zephyr's List. However when was the last time he ever did anything for himself? Making his decision, he grabbed the door handle he opened the door, as the bell rang singling he was coming inside. When he closed the door behind him. He saw everyone staring at him. He gulped, and took a deep breath, as he slowly walked in, he saw all the wooden chairs, the matching Wooden tables, and the wooden floors. There were some bright rugs on the floor, he saw the place was decorated, and some cats were playing on some Cat things, and that was when he realized this was a cat cafe. But he didn't mind he liked cats. He smelled coffee and bakery goods. And it smelled delicious. He looked around, and he couldn't believe how this place looked so cutesy. Yet He was okay with that, even though he Hadn't been okay with it before. He walked up to the counter, and he saw the employee looimg at him, fear was obviously in her face but She hid it very well with a smile. A smile was present on her face, and he saw she had a work outfit on, the outfit was green, and then black pants, with an apron, and a Cap on her head. Matias looked up and when he did he saw there was a menu above him, and when he saw there were a ton of options, for him to choose from. He took a few minutes to look it over, and then looked at the person. "What would you recommend I Get?" he asked. The Blonde women get confused, and almost looked shocked That he asked. The woman didn't even know what to say, and she almost looked like she was at a loss for words. And he almost felt like, the other people were staring at him now more, than when he first walked into the store. Taking a few deep breaths the girl looked at him, adjusted her hat, and then smiled.

"Well, Do You like A stronger coffee or would you rather have something a little sweeter? Matias thought about that for a few seconds. He wasn't exactly sure since he never had coffee before, or a frappe or anything like that, he put a hand to his chin, To think about it. Suddenly a voice spoke from behind him. "Why don't you try An Cold brew?" When he turned around Matias was at a loss for words, the girl that had spoken, was a beautiful girl. Her face was somewhat heart-shaped, she had beautiful green eyes, bouncy long Blonde hair, and she looked pristine. Nothing was out of place, her outfit was clean and pressed, her shoes were shiny, and everything looked like it was all in place, and nothing was out of place. He didn't know why but his heart was racing, and his palms were sweaty, he felt shaky. He didn't know what this feeling was. But he found there were no words that were coming out of his mouth. The girl blinked and asked if he was alright. And Matias quickly shook his head and blinked a few times. "Yes, Yes I'm fine!" he said quickly. As he coughed, then turned to face the employee ready to order his drink. "I'll have a cold brew," He says. The girl nodded, and When the girl said the total Of the drink Matias was confused and was about to ask, the girl from behind him, offered to pay, and Along with it ordered her to drink. Once that was done. she pulled him by the arm To a table in the corner so they could have some privacy.

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