Certain Warmth

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M/n fills yet another cup with beer. The male has never been so confused. How does Meliodas enjoy this job, it's so boring. Hawk comes over with the dirty cups. M/n picks them up and puts them aside. The customers were talking about a wandering Silver Knight and M/n couldn't help but get a feeling of deja vu.

M/n slowly walks up to the kitchen before taking a pineapple pie out of the oven. 'Elizabeth, pineapple pie for table uhmm I don't know' M/n says with a deep sigh. Elizabeth runs over with a big smile. She takes the pie from the male's hand.

'Now remember, steady and slowly' M/n explains and Elizabeth nods. As soon as the girl turns around she begins to run towards a table. 'I've got a Pineapple-ish pie for our guests at table number four!'

'Slow and steady!' M/n warns the girl but she doesn't listen. The girl trips and falls with a thud on the ground. The food lands on the customers who didn't even seem to mind.

'It's okay. These things happen' Elizabeth stands up and bows at them. 'Thank you so much!' she exclaims and M/n facepalms.

Hawk looks at the stairs only to see a man with a scar on his head. 'You finally woke up huh?' he states and M/n looks over. The male jumps over the counter and walks over to Elizabeth. The girl waves at the man. 'It looks like you're feeling a lot better' she says happily. All the customers begin to walk out of the tavern and Elizabeth waves them goodbye.

'Thank you so much for helping me, huh? I'm really grateful' The man says fastly. It was obvious that he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. 'This may seem abrupt, but I should get going-' the male's stomach rumbles making him look down embarrassed.




'Did you put enough poison?' M/n asks as he comes out of the kitchen with Elizabeth. Elizabeth rolls her eyes at the question. She walks holding a bowl of soup specially made for the male waiting by a table 'Shush..'

Elizabeth puts the soup in Infront of the man. 'There you are. A piping hot bowl of my special homemade soup' she says with a kind smile.

The man looks down at it and sighs guiltily. M/n grins at the sad expression on the male's face. 'Thanks, I appreciate it' scar man mumbles as he picks up the spoon. The male takes a sip only to spit it out as soon as it touches his tongue.

Elizabeth gasps confused. The female turns to M/n who had a stupid grin on his face. 'Sorry! Don't worry about finishing it, okay?' she deadpans and turns to M/n with a glare. 'What did you do?'

M/n shrugs making Elizabeth sigh.

'Oh no! It just caught me off guard..' Scar man sweatdrops as he puts another full spoon in his mouth. M/n puts his hands on his hips. 'Hey, let me ask you something, Golgius..' M/n says bluntly making the male choke on his soup. Golgius jumps back looking alarmed.

'So the two of you recognize who I am..' He says and squints his eyes. Hawk who just finished eating the spilled soup speaks. 'Once I catch a whiff, I can't forget someone's scent.' he says with a chuckle.

'Then why'd you save me?' Golgius puts his hand on his sword, ready to attack if they pull any move on him. 'I'm your enemy!' Golgius shouts his eyes darting across the three of them. M/n wasn't there when they fought but according to Hawk the male's name was Golgius and was also the one who demanded the doctor to poison Meliodas. If it wasn't for Elizabeth M/n would've already killed the guy. 'Tell me the truth, and don't give me nonsense!'

Elizabeth blushes hiding her face behind the wooden serving tray. 'Just wanted to help, dude' Hawk states causing Golgius to fall on the ground from the shock.

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