🦋 14 🦋

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The transition into my new role in the company was a long one

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The transition into my new role in the company was a long one . I spent my days going over contracts and doing paperwork whereas answering emails and analysing financial statements were reserved for my nights .

“I have spent days if not months analysing all the data to arrive at this judgement .The statistics show that there is still room for growth in this market . I understand your concern for the company but now is the time to expand , the market is growing fast and opportunities won't show up everyday .” I say leaning back in my chair .

Some people think they are like expensive champagne in a tall glass , when in reality they are just like luke - warm piss in a plastic cup . For example , the man sitting on my right questioning my judgement , my skills and my fucking ambition . He didn't know a thing about me or how many times I went through hell to get where I am right now . It's very tiring to be polite to an asshole when all you want to do is knock the teeth out of them .

“I agree with Mr Kapoor . It's a major decision which will have a long term impact on the direction of the company , not to mention it's closely related to our core business .” A woman seated next to me added in a firm voice . Her body language indicated that she knew what she was talking about unlike the brainless centepede on my right .

The meeting room went silent , save for the sound of papers being shuffled . Nine black leather chairs , a large wooden table scattered with an array of books and folders filled the room .Three chairs remained empty while the remaining were occupied by  managers from different department and myself .

I glared at the empty chairs . Kabir usually didn't attend the meeting . But the two  abandoned chairs belonged to father dearest and Miraya's dad who ditched the meeting to join our moms . They chose to go shopping for my engagement ring with my fiancèe . Here we were discussing the scope to improve profitability for the new business and the oldies were behaving like hormonal teenagers who couldn't decide which dress they should buy .
Fucking perfect .

“That is right . But sir , we already have an average return on investment .” our R&D manager said breaking the silence .

“I need an above average return on investment .” I corrected him emphasising the word above . His face screwed up in annoyance .

“We are already working on the details of production and pricing . And about risks and uncertainties involved ,  the report will be submitted to you at the soonest .” a woman who I think works in the production department continued typing on her tab and taking notes . Everyone nodded .

“Very well then .This meeting is adjourned until further notice .Thankyou .” I said and walked out of the room , as  I headed to my office . I closed the door behind me and immediately stilled . I looked away and rubbed my temples . God , I can't do this right now .

“How can I help you ?” I asked turning around towards Kabir who smugly sat on my chair . What is it with people trying to piss me off every five minutes ?

“Nothing . Just visiting my favourite friend .” He shrugged .

“Don't be ridiculous . We are not friends .”
I scoffed and he scowled . I would rather choke on blood than admit to him that he was my only friend .

There was no way he would come here without a reason . I raised a brow waiting . “Why don't you enlighten me ? What brings you here ?”

He stood up , reached into his pocket and placed a small blue box on the table . My hand hovered hesitantly over their velvet box . His eyes scanned my movements before he spoke .

“Your fiancèe decided to spend her day shopping a ring for you . Wouldn't you like to see ?” His words dripped with sarcasm .

I couldn't bring myself to open it . It felt wrong . It felt intimate . I couldn't open it infront of this smugface . I would never hear the end of it . I cleared my throat and pocketed the box .

“I am leaving.” I muttered and made my way towards the door . Kabir followed me silently . When we reached the private parking he stood there awkwardly . He avoided eye contact . I stared at him questioningly .

He seemed like he would rather spit fire than say the next words .                     “Your uh — sister— she kind of uh . Kiara confessed her feelings to me .”

His words froze me for a second before I started chuckling . Melantha's driving force , The Kabir Singhania who would kill you if you so much as looked at him the wrong way was fucking stuttering? Only my sister had this power over him . Ofcourse I knew .

“Am I hallucinating or are you actually blushing ?” his ears turned crimson like a teenage girl who just discovered her first crush . It was amusing watching him fumble . His fists clenched by his side , ready to punch me in the face . I would gladly be punched if it meant I could piss him off .

“Don't .” he hissed in warning . That only made me laugh again . He groaned and turned around walking to his car .  I unlocked my own and drove home with a smug smile etched to my lips . The smile dropped when  the delicate box in my pocket suddenly started to feel heavy .

Two days until I will have to wear her ring on my finger . Four weeks until our wedding and thirty days days until her name will be followed by mine .

I guess this it where it starts .
Our dark fairytale .

May your bestfriend not be friends with anyone except you

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May your bestfriend not be friends with anyone except you .🦋

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