🦋 05 🦋

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"Miraya you need to pick up where you left the book

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"Miraya you need to pick up where you left the book . Readers want the sequel . They have been storming on every platform . Have you even checked your Instagram or Twitter or your emails lately ?"
My manager sighed pacing back and forth in my study while I sat at the desk watching her .Just watching her was making me dizzy .

"No, I haven't."
I lied .

I checked them and they were all flooded with notifications demanding me to write a sequel to the novel that we published one month ago . For fuck's sake let me breathe .My eyes were drooping from the amount of reading I did yesterday and sleep was the one and only thing I cared right now about but she continued to nag me until I agreed to the sequel . She is a good manager but at times like this she could be quite annoying . It has already been two hours since she barged into my study room and schooled me on how we should update the latest book and make a sequel for the side characters before the readers start getting antsy .

She plopped down onto the couch next to the desk . I tossed her a bottle of water . She must be exhausted from all that walking and rambling . I feel bad for her but I can't help with the writers block .

"Atleast try writing something. Anything ."
She pleaded .

It's not easy .

"I will ."
I nodded because all I wanted was to grab a blanket and go into a sleep coma .

So I yawned . Deliberately .
She chuckled and gathered her stuff taking the hint .

"Dont forget the meeting this week with the publishers or I will personally throw you out of this window."
She warned jokingly and hugged me goodbye .

Perfect . I still have a few hours before the dinner with Kiara and her family . Our families have been pretty close for as long as I could remember . We all have gotten close over the years . Kiara and I have been best of friends whole our life . I don't think I could function without her . I guess because it's easy to talk with her . She understands me and I trust her more than I trust myself because I know she will always have my back and I love her , except for the fact that she's an Idiot and spurs dumbest ideas , she is brutally honest and lands us in most uncomfiest-uncomfortable situations and most of the time acts like a bratty child when around me but I wouldn't trade her for the world . Her personality is obnoxiously cheery and loud but soothing when you are in her presence . Initially they were supposed to be here for lunch but they cancelled . A small smiled touched my lips at the thought of meeting Kiara again . God , I miss her .I go through my mind for all the things and drama that I need to discuss with her and lie down . As soon as my head meets the pillow I drift off to sleep .
Unaware and uncaring of what the night will bring to me .

Small chapter but I wanted to introduce y'all to Miraya and show you what goes into her head before we meet - ahem ahem

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Small chapter but I wanted to introduce y'all to Miraya and show you what goes into her head before we meet - ahem ahem .😏

May your sibling get yelled at for whatever you did .🦋

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