Start from the beginning

Everyone was restless academic wise.

Chomp. Riku silently hums in satisfaction with her mom's cooking. Encircling a certain term and writing down a note on the blank part of her book's page.

Their quiet assumptions were not far off, she was studying -- just not only for midterms.

Alongside her parents, Riku was able to contact and make polite conversation with an Oxford representative.

Apparently, they want to upgrade their offer. 

They want to send her directly into college.

Her grades and scope of knowledge had completely blown their minds. And her accomplishments with her extracurriculars only impressed them further that they want her to graduate as soon as possible -- but only with the parents and daughter's consent after all. 

Riku was all for it, seeing as she was not one to waste time. Her mother was completely against it, scared that her baby would be missing an important part of her life. And her dad was still in contemplation for he saw so many advantages in both scenarios. 

So, as of now, they were still undecided.

But they still want Riku to try the entrance exam, hence, why she was studying now.

"Pole toppling huh..." Kayano took a bite of her usual curry, her face competitive before souring into an expression that was a mix of confusion and irritation. "WHY IS THIS ASANO DUDE ALWAYS CHALLENGING US?!" 

Kayano pouted, chewing angrily. "And why on earth are we accepting it? We have better things to do! Like, I don't know, make a giant strawberry cake-- or something..."

Bo-taoshi, or known as, pole toppling internationally, is a game played between teams with big enough numbers. Think of it as capture-the-flag, but in a much more brutal playstyle with the heavier, thicker, and bigger flag...as in, like, wooden poles. 

The first opposing team to bring down the other team's pole wins the game. 

Since the school's sports day was approaching, their class was also taking part in it, already giving out individual, pair, and group games.

Riku was assigned to archery...which was a sport that was allowed this year...somehow...

"Are you still on your sugar rush, Kayano..." Nagisa sweat-dropped from beside her.

Next to Riku, Sugino laughed. "This is no easy feat, I'm telling ya. Asano-san is a strong opponent, and Class A is always accurate to follow his every command. It will be tough work."

"But this is for Isogai-kun," Nagisa pitched in. "We can't let him be expelled. He is one of our class representatives and this class won't be the same without him."

"We have a lot to thank him for, that's for sure." Sugino nodded. The navy-haired boy turned to Karma who looked bored out of his mind as he draped his arms over his seat rest. Sugino called out to him, "Right, Karma?"

At his name, the said boy made eye contact with his friend and shrugged. "Yeah, sure. Plus it's another chance to rile up Asano, so why not?"

Everyone else at the table, minus Riku, looked at him with perplexed eyes. "It's like you exist to be a menace."

After gawking at Karma's not-so-surprising reply, while Kayano was preaching and waving her arms around about camaraderie and something about being a good sport and Sugino supporting her every word, Nagisa faced the silent gamer girl that still read her book quietly throughout the chaos.

HER GAMER'S GUIDE. karma akabaneWhere stories live. Discover now