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Rosebella Swan has always been compared to her twin. She never minded much as a child. It was when she grew older that it became an issue. 

"Oh Rose, it's okay you'll grow into yourself soon enough."

"Don't fret darling, I'm sure you will find something special to do like your sister has."

"Rose stop trying so hard to be funny, just be calm like Bella."

It wasn't until she got her period before her sister did that she realized she had something her mother could never compare her to her sister with. She discovered a newfound ability to protect herself and keep herself safe like she never felt anyone would around her. She knew of one person who she could be totally herself and feel comfortable around, however he was far away and her mother stopped allowing Rose and her sister to visit every summer. Rose missed her dad, her dad was one of the only people who saw both Bella and Rose, not just Bella. She missed the rain and all the greenery. Even more so, Rose missed her friends Jacob, Quil, and Embry.

 Rose didn't have many friends that stuck around due to her mother moving her and her twin around so much to be with her boyfriend Phil. When she turned fourteen, she decided she had had enough and told her mother she was moving in with her father. Her mother had little to no reaction other than dismay at having to help Rose pack everything that belonged to her into boxes. If Rose had not known any better, she would have thought that Bella was indifferent. 

However, because Rose did know Bella she knew that Bella's way of showing affection was quiet time spent together. Almost like a shadow hovering in the background. If Rose also didn't know any better than she did, she would have thought Bella was waiting for the moment in which Rose exited their lives. 

Bella and Rose had always been together. Maybe it was the simple fact they were twins and their mother thought if they were together they would need less of her. Maybe it was the fact that although Rose was constantly pitted against Bella for being less quiet and demure that her, she truly was the other half Bella needed. Where Bella was quiet Rose was loud, where Bella was awkward around new people Rose thrived on social interactions. 

It was their fourteenth birthday when Rose had finally had enough. She couldn't stand by anymore as their mother showered Bella  with gifts neither of the girls had wanted, (Rose would end up the one using whatever was given to Bella as Bella could never say no and Rose didn't like to let anything go to waste.) 

Rosebella couldn't sit and suffer anymore. Her mothers passing remarks and the almost pitying looks she got from her mothers new boyfriend Phil were to much. Rose knew if she stayed she'd continue down a path which would be destructive. She was already partial to staying out as long as she possibly could into the night just to avoid going home. Bella already had her mother call the cops after Rose spent the night in a tree in an attempt to see if their would be any wolves. Rose did not see any despite her wish to. After that, Rose was not allowed to go out after she returned home from school.

Bella stood by the doorway into Rose and hers bedroom. Rose lifted her head after she finished securing her suitcase next to her bed. 

"Are you all set?" Bella asked

"I am." Rose replied


And that was it. Their last conversation between the two of them until Rose's call to Bella when she lands in Forks. Rose knew not to expect much for her last night. She just didn't know how little to truly anticipate. It turns out, her mom decided to go on a date with Phil and ordered a pizza for Rose and Bella for dinner. Their mom had ordered a meat lovers, her favorite and either forgetting or ignoring the fact that Bella was a vegetarian and Rose only liked plain cheese. The twins threw away the pizza and instead turned on Rose's favorite movie Pride and Prejudice while Bella made spaghetti. After dinner and the movie ended the two girls went to bed. Their mom didn't come home until late, giggling in her drunken stupor. 

It was an early morning for the family. The twins bustling around while Renee sluggishly tried to keep up. It was a fiasco getting to the airport in which Rose hugged Bella whose arms stayed by her sides. Bella wasn't one for physical contact like Rose was. Renee kissed Rose on the head and that was the end. Rose went into the security line and didn't turn back to wave goodbye. 

It was a three hour flight when she landed. Rose couldn't stop her leg from bouncing the entire flight much to the annoyance of her seatmate. When she landed she could hardly wait. She ran to the baggage claim and grabbed her suitcase. She sped her way to the general area and searched for her dad. Spotting the dark blue uniform she dropped her bag and her suitcase as she ran to him. 

"Dad!" she yelled. Charlie looked towards her voice and opened his arms as she jumped in. Charlie bent his head down and kissed her head as he held her. 

"Hi darlin." Rose smiled into his shoulder. As she was lowered back onto her feet, she stared back up at her dad. 

"I missed you." she said. 

"I missed you more." He smiled down at her. Rose beamed up at him. Charlie was her favorite person in the world. She had loved when her and Bella got to visit forks. Rose loved fishing with him in the mornings and she especially loved when Charlie would take her and Bella to La Push to hang out with Jacob and his sisters for playtime. Rebecca and Rachel were fun babysitters but Rose was partial to sitting on Billy's lap as he told her stories of their ancestors. It was a rare sunny afternoon when Rose met some of Jacobs best friends. It was a posse of young boys that Jacob had been friends with in his school. A group with boys of the names Embry, Quil, Paul, and Jared. 

Paul and Jared were older than her by a year while Quil and Embry were a year younger. The group spent the rest of the afternoon playing tag and finding bugs in which Rose would name of the different species of beetles she knew. Bella had chosen to stay back with Rachel and Rebecca while Rose ran ragged in the mud with her new friends. While Rose grew older and stopped coming to Forks, she made sure to get the numbers of the boys and had made them all join a group chat so she could stay in touch. Now that she was returning to Forks and staying for good, she was excited to finally be able to see them again. 

Charlie picked up her bags and led her to his car. It was his police cruiser that Charlie had come to pick her up in. Rose practically skipped to the car excited to finally be headed to where she considered home. 

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