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"Percy get up, you're going to be late!" Mom yells from another room.

I rub my eyes and check my alarm clock, the numbers blinking at 12. The damn power went out, my phone says 7:37 A.M. and a text from Grover and a bunch of emergency notifications I close out not paying attention to.

"Dude where the hell are missed the bus!"

I hop out of bed and throw on a not so fresh pair of pants and a slightly not that stinky shirt. I rush out and mom hands me a piece of toast. Rushing out and grabbing my skateboard by the door, I spam the elevator button until it opens.

Busting out of our apartment building, the stink of New York seems a little stronger today. I pop my earbuds into my ears and click shuffle, a Gorillaz song start playing. 7:40, I have 20 minutes to get to school before I'm late. I cant be late again or Mr. Brunner will chop my head off with one of his swords older than the U.S.

I start blasting down the sidewalk and through streets, dogging cars, bikers, and people. A man gets in my way and before I can react I smash into him, his groceries fly everywhere.

"MY CABBAGES!" he yells.

"Sorry dude." I speed off before the cops come.

I spot Grover at the school gates, his eyes lock onto me and waves for me to hurry. I push as hard as I can, almost there...almost... SKRRRRT!

I hit a pebble and fly off my board smashing to the ground. A group of popular girls walk by me giggling at the sight of me on the ground.

"He-Hey Annabeth." I wave up to her trying to play it off.

"Your nose is bleeding." She says handing me a tissue and helps me up.

"Uh...Thanks..." I try to hid my blushing, but I don't think it worked.

"Try not to kill yourself." She smiles and walks away.

"Dude you ok?" Grover rushes over.

"She smiled at me." I gush.

"She smiled at the idiot with a bloody face." Grover says.

"Ouch." I say. The bell rings and I'm still out side of the school. "Oh crap!" I turn and see Mr. Brunner holding a sword sitting in his wheel chair.

After getting chewed out by Mr. Brunner, the day seemed to fly by. Something must be happening today, cause a ton of helicopters keep buzzing by. Staring out the window in history class not paying attention, I notice tons of smoke columns around the skyline. A few people running past the school fences. A drunk man stumbling slowly after them.

"Percy pay attention!" Mr. Brunner snaps.

"Sorry...Sir." I say and turning back to see the drunk man, but he's gone now.

The door bursts open and a student stumbles in covered in blood.

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