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A little girl with h/l h/c hair is walking through the busy streets. She's walking in between her parents, as they each holds one of her hands. They're going to a shop to buy the little girl her birthday cake.

The girl stops walking and turns to her father. She raises both hands, wanting to be picked up. Her father let out a laugh as he scoops his little daughter, placing her on his neck.

"So what kind of cake do you want, sweetie?" Her father asked in a gentle voice. The little girl places a finger on her chin. "Hmmm... I want f/c!!" She said, happily. Her father let out a chuckle. Of course, that is her favorite cake. He should have known.

"Okay, so... f/c it is, right honey?" Her father asked. He turns to look at his wife in confusion, when he gets no reply. His eyes widened in shock when he notices his wife laying on the ground. He quickly places Y/N on her feet, rushing towards his wife.

"M/N? Honey... open your eyes!" He said. He clutch his chest as he feels pain surging through his body. He turns to look at his daughter who stares at them with tears in his eyes. Tears starts to fall from his own, as he falls onto the ground.

"Mama! Papa!!" Y/N cried out, rushing towards her parents. She starts shaking them, trying to get some reaction. But they didn't respond her, nor open their eyes. Y/N looks around to see almost everyone are in the same condition.

She notices people walking towards her in cape. Her eyes widened and runs off. She can hear the sound of their footsteps as they chases after her. She quickly finds a spot to hide and covers her mouth, in attempt to stay as quiet as possible.

She peaks around the corner to make sure she's safe. When she sees no one so around, she drops on the ground and starts sobbing. The sight of her parents lifeless eyes comes back to her mind. She bursts into tears, but tries her best to not make any sound just in case those people are still around.

She let out a scream when she felt hands grabbing her. She starts to trash around, trying to break free from her captors. But they're much stronger than her. She starts crying harder as she yelled out for her parents even though she knew they're long gone.


"Hey! Come back here!!!" Someone yelled, as Y/N runs away. After being captured, Y/N learned that the world have been overrun my monsters. Among them are a creature known as vampires.

Y/N keeps running, without looking back. She know that the chances of being free from vampires are slim to none. She knew it's futile to fight against a vampire because of their strength and speed. But she'd much rather die trying, than stay behind to be the vampire's livestock.

Y/N comes to a stop when she realize she have reach a cliff. She cautiously take a few steps forward and look down. It's a long way down. She knows if she falls off, she's never going to make it.

"Just give up... apologize and we'd forget this ever happens. Come back to be the livestock you're meant to be" the vampire who's been chasing her said. Y/N slowly turns around and faces them. She clench her hands into tight fists.

"Never!! If I die... so be it!" She screamed out. She quickly turns around and jumps off. She take a deep breath as she nears the water. She struggles to stay in the surface because of how strong the currents are.

Eventually, she starts to lose consciousness. She just smiles weakly despite not being able to breathe. She is happy... because this way, she'd be able to be with her parents again. She closes her eyes, slowly giving in to the darkness.

A Few Days Later

A blurry sight is the first thing that greets Y/N when she opens her eyes. She realizes that she's still alive. She miraculously survived the fall. When her sight clears up, she notices she's inside a room.

She slowly sits up as she looks around. She frowns when she didn't recognize her surrounding. But part of her feels glad she doesn't, because this means this place isn't the livestocks place she was kept before.

The door to the room slides open to reveal a man with black hair. She instantly know that the man isn't a vampire because he didn't have red eyes like the ones she knew. The man walks towards her in a slow pace, as an attempt to not startle her. But Y/N just stares at him with curious eyes.

"Who are you?" She asked, breaking the silence. Her voice is slightly hoarse and dry. The man takes a seat in front of her on a chair. She notices he's holding a folder in his hand.

"My name is Ichinose Guren. I'm the one who saved you from drowning. I'd like to ask a few questions if you don't mind" he said. Y/N just nods her head to let Guren know that she didn't mind. Guren starts to ask Y/N the basic questions starting with her name. Y/N just answers each questions.

Guren nods his head and turn to Y/N. "I've got all the information I needed. Now, let me ask this one more question to you..." he said. Y/N just stares at him, waiting for him to ask the question.

"Will you join the Japanese Imperial Demon Army?" He asked. Y/N blinks her eyes at what he said. She knows the army is the group of fighters who fought against the vampires. She knows joining the army would means she'd be able to kill the monsters that makes her life a living hell.

She thinks about it for a while and nods her head, letting Guren know that she wants to join the army. Guren nods his head in approval. He offers her a hand, in which she obliged and shakes it.


Years have passed and Y/N is now 16 years old. After a very intense training, Y/N earned the title as one of the best fighters. It's all due to her sharp skills and remarkable performances in the battle field. This earns her the position as the squad's leader.

"We won, Y/N-Chan!" One of her comrade said. Y/N smiles at him and pat his back. "Yeah! It's all thanks to your excellent leadership!" The other said. The rest cheers in agreement. Y/N just smiles softly at them.

Everyone keeps on cheering at their victory. Another mission is won successfully by Y/N's squad. They move closer for a group hug, to celebrate their victory. But even with this victory... they know that their fight are still a long way to go and they'll keep fighting until they reach their goals.

*to be continued*

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