𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟏𝟑

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Looking into the vast mountain of snow, you let out a breath that turned to white in the frosted air. These temperatures were not something far off of Liyue's winters, but it was still cold enough. The soft crunches of the snow and sounds of wind filling the background.

The traveler leads the way to the alleged Alchemist Albedo while you stand back and follow. Even in this strange and new terrain, both Aether and Paimon seem to have a good idea of where they are heading. Occasionally stopping by lit fires to warm their bodies. It wasn't something you necessarily needed, but you wouldn't complain. Having numb hands and face wasn't the best feeling. Even for someone in possession of a Cryo Vision.

"Look! We're almost there!" Paimon said as the point at the broken bridge on two different levels. Stepping closer, you touched the ground to create a platform of ice to connect the bridge. Bending you knees, you carefully slid down the incline. Paimon floating behind. "Careful Aether. The ledge is close." You said. Bending his knees in a similar way, he slid down. But a wooden plant caught his foot and nearly tipped him off the edge.

Grabbing his wrist quickly, you pulled him back onto the stable stone ground. Turning to you, the traveler gave a sheepish smile. "You've been catching me a lot lately. Sorry for the trouble." "I have no qualms with it Aether. Your safety is my priority." You said while brushed a bit of snow off of his shoulder. A barely pink hue spreading on his face, his smile grew wider. Nodding, you placed you attention to the lab within a cave before you.

"Heyyyy! Albedo! We got your letter!" "Ah, Paimon, Traveler, you've arrived. And I see you've brought someone else as well." "Albedo, this is Y/n. Y/n this is Albedo. The Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius." Aether said as an attempt to introduce both of you. But instead an awkward tension filled the lab, with Aether and Paimon trading nervous looks. Both of you staring directly at each other with a deafening silence. Thankfully it didn't last much longer as you both said "You're not human. Are you?"

With a bit of panic, Aether let out a sigh of relief and nervousness. "There really isn't hiding anything from Albedo is there?" Paimon said. "I'm impressed. You've figured it out so quickly. Do enlighten me, what lead you to that conclusion?" The alchemist asked with a small smirk on his face. "You do not possess the natural aura of a human. Adepti are a battle oriented species and have an ability to sense the auras of organic beings. Hence the quick distinction." "Adepti you say? I never thought I'd be able to meet one of Liyue's protectors. What an interesting biology. Please do continue."

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