i try to hurry to my house so i can put him to sleep and hopefully he'll feel better.

getting to my house i grab noodles and put him under my shirt cause it's cold outside. i also have my purse that i'm carrying to the front door.

getting inside my house i walk downstairs to my room. i turn on my little heater in my room for at little and cuddle noodles. he has his own blanket around him just in case he throws up. after noodles falls asleep i get up to get ready for school.

i wash my face. i was gonna shower but i think ima shower tonight or tomorrow morning before school. patting my face dry with a mini towel i leave my bathroom to find an outfit.

i put black baggie jeans,with a small white crop top, a red and white with a hint of black varsity jacket. i pair my low panda dunks with my outfit. i pick out a black LA hat.

i set my outfit aside and go to my vanity. i start to apply my makeup while i listen to music.

about 15 mins of putting on my makeup and stopping every so often to sing the song that plays i finally finish. honestly i'm not sure what to do with my hair so i think ima do curls in my hair.

putting out my curling iron i let it heat up while i go to my bathroom grabbing heat protection for my hair.

besides my hectic morning today i feel like todays gonna be a good day.
                                             (Javon pov)
i'm so fucking tired. it's 4 in the morning and i'm still not there yet. i think on the drive back we'll stop for some coffee. stopping for coffee reminds me of isabella. i did put her phone of do not disturb only cause i really don't want her to wake up.

i'm sure i'll make it back to her in time.

a whole ass hour and some thing passed by and i'm 5 minutes away from the airport. the suns coming out now so it looks like morning. it like 5:47am so i'm almost there.

i get a notification on my phone and me thinking it's coco who landed and letting me know where she's at. i'm totally shocked by who texted me and what they said.

i just wanna let you know isabella left she went home.

huh? home? SHE WOKE UP? how the fuck did she wake up?

i'm not even gonna lie i'm nervous to go home. i should have never came. i should have never let coco catch a flight here.

is isabella mad? is she still gonna talk to me? is she gonna give me a chance? i can't lose her like this.

i'm just gonna pretend that she's still asleep i can't get anxiety while driving.should i text her? should i let her know  i came to pick a friend up?

what should i do?

i see coco threw the airport glass door. i get out the car so she can see me and know where to walk to.

she sees me and gets really excited. for what i don't know maybe to see a friend.

she lets go of her suitcase and hugs me. like full on hugs me. legs wrap around my waist arms around my neck hugs me. i don't even hug back.  if it was isabella i would have wrapped my arms around her and made sure she didn't fall. but isabella never hugged me this tight usually if she did i would feel comfort in the hug but i don't feel comfort right now i feel uncomfortable.

always been you| javon walton Where stories live. Discover now