Chapter 15

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The door swung open to reveal a woman with a messy ponytail and glasses, behind her stood a man.

Almost instinctively I hid behind Levi and Furlan, mainly because the woman reminded me of someone from my past.

"Hello my good fellows! My names Hange Zoe!" She shouted happily.

"Section Commander you can't just barge in like this!" The man said.

"Oh come now Moblit!" Hange shouted, "we must meet them."

"Um, nice to meet you?" Furlan said.

"Nice to meet you too! Your names Furlan right?"

Furlan nodded.

"And you're.. Levi!" Hange said pointing at Levi.

"What do you want?" Levi asked.

"Just to say hello! I'm surprised someone so small can contain so much anger!"

Levi rolled his eyes and walked to his bed before sitting down. The moment he moved out of the way Hange gasped dramatically.

"There's a smaller one?!" She shouted as she ran towards me and picked me up.

As she was shouting I realized why I felt so uneasy around her. I painfully got reminded of the woman who gave me my scar when I was young, Hange looked very similar to that woman.

I started crying, I was unsure why. I didn't feel threatened or scared in that moment. The memory of the woman picking me up and cutting my face flashed in my mind, that was it.

I just stayed silent as the tears fell, Hange put me down and stepped back awkwardly.

"Go away." I muttered.

I watched as both her and Moblit left. I then turned around and went to where Levi was sat before climbing into his lap.

"What was that about?" He asked.

"Nothing I just don't like being picked up." I lied.

"Whys that?" Levi asked.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

He nodded before rubbing circles on my back, as a way to comfort me.

"Let's just to go sleep." I muttered.

"Slight problem with that." Levi said, "we don't have anything to change into."

"Ash also doesn't have a bed." Furlan chimed in.

"He'll sleep with me." Levi said before turing to me, "let's just sleep in our clothes."

Furlan took off his jacket and belts before getting into his bed, which was above mine and Levi's.

"Don't do anything that would wake me up." Furlan said.

My face burned red upon realizing what he meant. I sighed and took off my jacket and belts.

I turned around to see Levi taking off his shirt. I quickly found myself staring, we made eye contact so I turned away embarrassed.

"Don't be shy, you've seen it before." Levi whispered getting into bed next to me.

"Shut up." I whispered back as I laid down facing him.

Soldiers began pouring into the barracks after that filling up all the beds.

"Why's there a girl in here?" One said pointing at me.

"I'm a boy, maybe that's why." I spat.

They looked at me surprised before going back to whatever they usually do. Soon enough everyone was in bed asleep.

Buried love [Levi Ackerman x male oc story]Where stories live. Discover now